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Chapter 127: Spoiling Wife and Crazy Demon Lu Mingcheng

Chapter 127: Spoiling Wife and Crazy Demon Lu Mingcheng (95)

Facing the phone, Lin Fan put the lipstick next to his face, pouted his little pink mouth, made a kissing gesture, took a selfie, and sent it to Lu Mingcheng.

At this time, in the conference room on the 22nd floor of DS Film and Television Company.

A WeChat notification sound broke the quiet and tense atmosphere at this time.

Everyone was shocked and began to look at each other.

Who is so bold that he didn't mute the sound during the meeting? !

Everyone asked each other with their eyes, took out their mobile phones in a panic, and only when they found out that it was not theirs did they feel at ease.

But, it's not you, and it's not me, so who is the voice coming from? !
For a while, everyone was looking for that source!
I saw Lu Mingcheng, who was sitting in the main seat, dressed in a black straight suit, always cold and unsmiling, looking down at the personal mobile phone in hand, with the corners of his mouth slightly upturned!

Mr. Lu, are you actually laughing?

Everyone was amazed at the picture in front of them as if they had discovered something novel.

Lu Mingcheng's smile was very shallow and short-lived. He just looked at it for a few seconds, then turned off the phone, and looked up again. He saw the iceberg-like edges and corners again, exuding a thousand-year-old chill all over his body.

Is it wrong?

Many people are wondering if they were dazzled just now!
However, Mr. Lu, who has always been rigorous, has always been very self-disciplined while strictly demanding his subordinates. He never deserts during meetings!

Therefore, who sent the information that Mr. Lu could check during the meeting became the focus of attention of everyone present.

"Boss Lu, what's the good news?" The person who spoke was a veteran of the company. Seeing that Lu Mingcheng seemed to be in a good mood, he boldly asked.

"A letter from a beautiful woman, I'm naturally delighted!" Lu Mingcheng said generously, as if he was intentionally announcing a fact!
All of a sudden, there was a commotion in the conference room, and everyone began to discuss in low voices.

"Boss Lu means that he has a girlfriend?"

"It sounds like it is."

"Don't they all say he is a beggar?"

"It's probably to block the peach blossoms."

"I really don't know who this lucky guy is."

"I only know that this person will live a life that the whole universe will envy."

When you talk to each other, apart from admiration, the most common thing is envy, especially those younger subordinates, the jealousy and envy in their hearts will rush out of their bodies!

"Congratulations to Mr. Lu in advance." The veteran sent his blessing in due course.

"Thank you!" There was a hint of warmth in the corners of Lu Mingcheng's eyes.

"Keep talking!" Afterwards, he signaled the person who made the proposal just now to continue reporting.

"Yes, Mr. Lu." The man replied respectfully and continued, "This time we have invited Mr. Jiang Yizhou, an internationally renowned director, Ms. Abby, an internationally renowned stylist, and Ms. She Caiman, the youngest jewelry designer in China. Join!"

"The estimated investment of 35 billion this time will definitely set off a new frenzy in the film and television industry!" The person who reported became more and more excited, his eyes lit up, as if he had seen the scene after the success!

"About the selection of the protagonist, I have a suggestion!" A middle-aged man wearing glasses said, "Luo Qiutong, I think it's very suitable."

"Well, Luo Qiutong has always been an actress that our company highly recommends. She has also worked very hard. She has won numerous awards over the years. I agree that Luo Qiutong will play the leading role."

After hearing this, Lu Mingcheng did not deny it, but he did not give an affirmative answer either, "We will make the final decision after "Peerless Beauty" is released!"

(End of this chapter)

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