Bring home the almighty goddess of the fast crossing system

Chapter 173: Spoiling Wife and Crazy Demon Lu Mingcheng

Chapter 173: Spoiling Wife and Crazy Demon Lu Mingcheng (143)

After resting for a few days, Lin Fan returned to the set!
"Sister Fan!" Zhenzhen rushed over with concern after seeing Lin Fan.

"Zhenzhen!" Since Zhenzhen stood up for herself that night, Lin Fan's affection for Zhenzhen has doubled.

"Are you okay! I don't dare to disturb you these days." Zhenzhen said cautiously.

"I was slightly injured, it's fine! Thank you!" Lin Fan patted the back of Zhenzhen's hand, his eyes filled with gratitude.

"Thank you for what I did, but I didn't save you." Zhenzhen said with some embarrassment.

"I've kept your thoughts in my heart." Lin Fan's tone was sincere.

"Don't talk about you like that, we are friends from the beginning, and if you are in trouble, it is my duty to help you!" After Zhenzhen finished speaking, her small eyes rolled and shone brightly, and she lay next to Lin Fan's ear, "Sister Fan, you really love me!" Don't hide it."

"Huh?" Lin Fan looked at Zhenzhen's mysterious face suspiciously.

"Boss Lu!" Zhenzhen became excited in a second!

"I didn't expect that President Lu's girlfriend is actually you!" Zhenzhen stared at Lin Fan enviously with small eyes.

"Oh my god, I dare not even dream about it!" Zhenzhen sighed.

"Sister Fan, you are so lucky! You actually have a boyfriend that women all over the world envy!" Zhenzhen couldn't hold back at this moment, after holding back for so many days, she finally saw Lin Fan, and she wanted to speak out.

"It's not so exaggerated!" Lin Fan smiled and looked at Zhenzhen's cute appearance.

"Exaggeration?" Zhenzhen exclaimed, "This is not an exaggeration at all, my sister!"

"Lu Mingcheng! That's Lu Mingcheng!" Seeing Zhenzhen's exaggerated expression, Lin Fan couldn't help but chuckle.

"By the way, you didn't tell others!" Lin Fan asked quickly.

"No, I know that Sister Fan is low-key, how could I say that, besides, no one would believe me, so why don't you think I'm a fool!" Zhenzhen said mischievously.

I saw Wei Xu dressed up walking towards Lin Fan.

"Sister Fan, I'm going to change my clothes." Zhenzhen left with great insight.

"Wei Xu." Lin Fan showed a sweet smile.

"Are you all right?" A hoarse and dry voice came out.

"I...I'm fine." Lin Fan's heart skipped a beat.

Why does he feel so similar to Jiang Yijie now!
what's the situation?
"You..." Wei Xu hesitated to speak.

"I'm fine, I was only slightly injured at the time, don't worry, thank you for rushing to save me!" Lin Fan said quickly.

"It's just that the shooting has been delayed for the past few days, so I'm sorry." Lin Fan scratched his head.

"It's fine." Wei Xu said to himself.

Immediately, he pulled out a smile, "As a friend, it is incumbent on you to save you when you are in danger!"

It's the same as Zhenzhen's lines!
"You and Zhenzhen are really good friends of mine, they even say the same thing." Lin Fan chuckled lightly.

"Oh." Wei Xu looked at Zhenzhen who had changed into her clothes at this time, "I don't have her courage, and I admire her very much."

"The situation was so dangerous at that time, she actually wanted to take your place as a hostage!" Wei Xu sighed.

"At that time Yu Sheng was brilliant, Zhen Zhen went to ask Yu Hui to save you, and was willing to do anything." Wei Xu's eyes showed a trace of respect.

"She is really brave and kind, and she is even cruel to her friends. Such a girl is rare, and I feel ashamed." After Wei Xu finished speaking, another smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

(End of this chapter)

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