Bring home the almighty goddess of the fast crossing system

Chapter 180: Spoiling Wife and Crazy Demon Lu Mingcheng

Chapter 180: Spoiling Wife and Crazy Demon Lu Mingcheng (151-152)

"I like your shy look the most!" Lu Mingcheng's voice was low.

Lean over!

In order to relieve Lin Fan's tension, Lu Mingcheng asked Lin Fan to focus on the kiss at this moment!

till the end!
She quickly took the dress and put it on in a hurry!
Lu Mingcheng stood aside quietly, carefully admiring Lin Fan's series of cute movements!
"It suits you very well!" Lin Fan stood in front of the mirror and looked at himself.

Lu Mingcheng stood beside her, with admiration and praise in his eyes!

This is a light and cool little dress!

It is not very exaggerated or grand, but it is fresh and refined, making people unforgettable!
Lin Fan couldn't help but curl up his mouth as he looked at his more beautiful self.

"Wear it to the wrap-up banquet!" Lu Mingcheng hugged Lin Fan from behind, and the sweet figures of the two were reflected in the mirror.

"Okay!" Lin Fan whispered softly.

At this time, Lu Mingcheng also changed into the suit he had prepared.

A high-definition porcelain white!
Standing with Lin Fan is a perfect match!
"So handsome!" Lin Fan couldn't help but praise.

"Who is handsome?" Lu Mingcheng asked back.

"You!" Lin Fan was very puzzled, is this asking knowingly?
"Who am I?" Lu Mingcheng looked directly at Lin Fan with burning eyes.

Lin Fan immediately bit his lower lip shyly, his voice was like a mosquito ant, his mouth squirmed for a long time before he opened his mouth slowly, "My husband..."

"What?" Lu Mingcheng bent over Lin Fan with a playful expression on his face.

"Husband! You scoundrel!" Lin Fan stamped his little feet shyly, and buried his face in Lu Mingcheng's arms!
Lu Mingcheng hugged the soft and sweet little man in his arms with a smile on his face!
It was the first time that I sat in Master Li's car with Lu Mingcheng in an upright manner!

The heart that should have been surrounded by sweetness and joy was tainted with a layer of sadness!

Looking at Lu Mingcheng who was holding his hand tightly beside him, accompanied by the moonlight outside the window, Lin Fan's eyes flickered, as if there were little tears.

She patted the back of Lu Mingcheng's hand, Lu Mingcheng leaned over, Lin Fan whispered something in his ear, and then shyly dodged away, not daring to see Lu Mingcheng's reaction!
The more cherished it is, the shorter it is, and soon, the car arrived at the hotel where the green banquet was held!
Lu Mingcheng got out of the car first, and there was a burst of exclamation immediately!
Lu Mingcheng was originally a well-known cool and handsome boss in the circle, and today he was accompanied by a luxury car and a dress to protect his body, making him look like a shining gold!
"This is simply too handsome!"

"This is even more handsome than a star!"

"Wo Cao, I'm going to have a nosebleed!"

The people around quickly took out their mobile phones and kept taking pictures!
Even the crew and actors couldn't help but secretly filmed it!

This face value is enough to lick the screen for a lifetime!
After getting out of the car, Lu Mingcheng straightened the buttons of his jacket!Immediately there was another low cry!
"Why didn't I realize before that such a simple action as tying a hole is so charming to death!"

"Yeah! I can't stand it!"

"Oh my god, does he still need an assistant? No, servants are fine too!"

During the discussion, Lu Mingcheng walked around the car, walked to the other side, and opened the car door himself!

"He actually brought someone??"

"What!!! There are still people!"

"It can't be a woman! My God!"

In an instant, everyone focused their eyes on the open car door, looking inside desperately.

I saw Lin Fan in a white dress, with a sweet smile on his face, being pulled out by Lu Mingcheng himself!
"Troughing! Boom!"

"Boss Lu actually brought a female companion!!!"

"Who is this girl!"

All of a sudden, there was a lot of discussion!

The flash lights are like daylight!
"It's a small wrap-up banquet, and Mr. Lu actually came to it in person!" At this time, some reporters have already begun to live broadcast it excitedly!

"What is unexpected is that President Lu, who has never been close to women for thousands of years, actually brought a female companion!" The reporter's lips were trembling with excitement!

"Let's take a look, who is this favored girl!" After finishing speaking, the camera zoomed in on Lin Fan!

Lin Fan's skin was as translucent as porcelain jade. With a little makeup on, paired with this tulle dress at this time, she looked like a heavenly girl!

"Wow! It's so beautiful!"

Everyone was amazed at Lin Fan's appearance!
But when two people stood together, it was a crit!

Everyone's blood flow is getting faster and faster!
The eyeballs are bigger and rounder than the other!
"Holding hands!"

"My God! It can't be a girlfriend!"

"It was rumored that Mr. Lu has a girlfriend before, and I thought it was fake!"

At this moment, the girls began to look at Lin Fan with envy and weeping like a storm!

This is simply a child favored by God!
She actually captured Lu Mingcheng!
It was the first time Lin Fan saw this kind of scene, how could he have a meal, such a big scene?
As everyone knows, everyone came here after hearing that Lu Mingcheng was here in person!

Unexpectedly, I saw a scene that I couldn't even dream of doing like this!
It is the real version of the prince and princess!

The two stood still, and cooperated with the reporters around to take pictures and bombard them. During the whole process, Lu Mingcheng held Lin Fan's hand tightly!

Lin Fan's eyes were full of love, she looked at Lu Mingcheng from time to time, she thought, this is the happiest moment in her life.

To be so cared for by a man, so cherished!

A violent engine sound pierced the night sky!
I saw the headlights of the people who couldn't keep their eyes open directly shining on the faces of Lu Mingcheng and Lin Fan!

That car drove towards Lin Fan like crazy!
Everyone panicked for a moment and ran away one after another!
"Get out of the way!" At this moment, the car was getting closer and closer, and Lu Mingcheng pushed Lin Fan out with all his might!

There was a heavy crash!
"Lu Mingcheng!" Lin Fan screamed, and heard a dull landing!
"Ding! The system prompts that the task has been completed!"

(End of this chapter)

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