Bring home the almighty goddess of the fast crossing system

Chapter 183 Playing Gaming?I'm awesome

Chapter 183 Playing Gaming?I'm awesome (2)

"Ai my grass, look, look, beauty!"

"Where? Where?"

"Blind! What about that!"

The male students passed on each other, and the news ran to the end of the line in an instant.

At this moment, everyone ignored the queue and gathered together, staring at Lin Yifan like a pervert, looking from left to right!
Reiko, Ye Zi and Mo Mo were stunned at this moment, how could a small quarrel attract so many eyes!

"" Ding Junren didn't say anything for a long time.

"Ding Junren, you are someone I will never look down on!" Lin Yifan's tone was cold, and there was a knife-like coldness in his eyes.

"What are you talking about!" Seeing Lin Yifan's posture, Lulu bit her lip and retorted guiltily.

And Ding Junren was completely overwhelmed by the beauty in front of him!Completely lost the ability to think!
"Who is that kid!"

"Ding Junren, a sophomore, is very popular with girls."

"Tsk tsk tsk! Looks just average!"

"Yeah, I really don't deserve him!"

"It must be the toad who wanted to eat swan meat, but was rejected!"

When Ding Junren heard Lin Yifan's words, for the first time, he didn't refute, didn't jump, didn't despise, on the contrary, a little sadness floated in his heart!
"I'm sorry!" Ding Junren trembled his lips, his tone was sincere!
Reiko, Ye Zi and Momo gasped at the same time!

Did Ding Jun take the wrong medicine?Still stupid?To apologize to Lin Yifan again?
Even Lulu couldn't hold back her expression after hearing Ding Junren's words!
"Junren, why are you apologizing? You didn't do anything wrong!" Lulu showed her charming look, and turned to Ding Junren with an aggrieved look.

"Shut up!" Ding Junren spoke to Lulu in such a harsh tone for the first time!

Lulu's face was flushed red at that moment!
"I'm going, it's amazing!"

"There is one next to you, and you still want to chase others?"

"This guy's kidneys are very strong!"

At this time, there were more and more people watching, and everyone was discussing enthusiastically.

"I was wrong before, I'm sorry!" Ding Junren said again, looking at Lin Yifan who had undergone earth-shaking changes in front of him with lingering eyes!
In my heart, I kept blaming myself for being too blind before, and I didn't find such a beautiful girl by my side!
"Don't bother me in the future!" Lin Yifan's tone was like ice.

"Cold beauty, cold beauty, definitely a cold beauty!"

"It's really hot in summer!"

"Delicious! I like it!"

"Can we be friends?" Ding Junren looked at Lin Yifan expectantly.

"Ding Junren, do you know what you're talking about?" Lulu looked at the young man beside her in disbelief.

What did he say when he chased himself?

Why is there only you in my heart, never look at other girls more, must be submissive, gentle and considerate!

now what!
Why do you forget your previous promise as soon as you see a beautiful woman?
"Lulu, you were the one who took the initiative to approach me back then." Ding Junren looked impatiently at the girl beside him who looked aggrieved.

"What?" Lulu's eyes were filled with astonishment!

"I didn't like you in the first place, forget it, let's break up!" Ding Junren's tone was devoid of emotion!
Lulu couldn't believe her ears, tears of grievance kept falling, she glanced at Lin Yifan resentfully, and strode away!
"No!" Lin Yifan frowned slightly, and his tone was decisive!

(End of this chapter)

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