Bring home the almighty goddess of the fast crossing system

Chapter 188 Playing Gaming?I'm awesome

Chapter 188 Playing Gaming?I'm awesome (7)

After the four of them walked over, they realized that the person who waved to them did not know each other!
"Sit down!" The boy smiled, his eyes narrowed into a line.

After looking at each other, the four sat down one by one.

At this moment, Lin Yifan happened to be sitting at the very back, next to that boy!

The boy's nervous little face flushed and he rubbed his hands together from time to time.

"Student, have you had breakfast yet?" At this moment, the boy had already reached into the desk, holding the breakfast he bought eager to try.

"I've eaten!" Seeing that Lin Yifan didn't respond, Ye Zi smiled at the boy to express his gratitude!
"Oh..." The boy's complexion was lost for a moment, and then he immediately regained his energy, "Then eat some snacks!"

As he said that, he moved his hand to the side, and instantly took out a lot of desserts and snacks like magic!

The four faces are stunned!

Especially Ye Zi, swallowed hard!

Oh my God!

Those are the brands she likes to eat but is reluctant to buy!
What's the situation with this male classmate?
Do you have a mine at home?
After speaking, the boy hurriedly stuffed the snacks into their hands one by one, "I don't know what you like to eat, so I just bought some!"

The boy was shy and shy, secretly glanced at Lin Yifan from time to time, and then the deer slammed into each other happily!
"What a monkey spirit!"

"I usually look quite honest, but I didn't expect to be full of bad water!"

At this moment, the other boys who watched were both jealous and hated!

"I have to beat this kid up after class!"

"Too angry!"

Lin Yifan looked at the boy who offered to be nice to him, so he couldn't say anything, so he just said thank you lightly!
"You're welcome, you're welcome!" The boy's face was full of joy, "See if you like it, and if you don't like it, change to something else next time!"


The black lines on Lin Yifan's face!

I used to fantasize about such a scene almost day and night, but now that it really happened, the original excitement is no longer there!

Maybe it's not him who is smiling at me!

"It's delicious!" Ye Zi stomped her excited little feet, "Yifan, try it quickly."

Seeing Ye Zi's cute appearance, Lin Yifan twitched the corners of his mouth, with a faint smile on his face.

"The feeling of being in love!"

"I even thought of the names of our two children!"

Many boys covered their hearts, their eyes glazed over!

Reiko was angry in her heart, but she didn't show her displeasure on her face!

She just stuffed the snacks into the desk and didn't want to pay attention!

But I accidentally saw Lu Qi sitting in the back row.

Why is he here?

Isn't he a junior?
Impossible to take this class!
It's because of Lin Yifan!
Thinking of this, Reiko was frustrated!
Seeing Lin Yifan's indifferent expression made him even angrier!
But thinking of an errand of 300 yuan an hour, I can only temporarily suppress the anger in my heart!

"Yezi, let's switch positions!" Reiko whispered to Ye Zi.

Ye Zi was completely intoxicated by the delicious food, her mouth was full, and she changed places with Reiko indifferently.

"Yifan." Reiko called softly.

"What's wrong?" Lin Yifan looked at Reiko with a mysterious expression.

"You really don't want to be a model?" Reiko asked tentatively.

"Not too interested!" Lin Yifan replied flatly.

"300 an hour!" Reiko was going to persuade her with a reward.

"I remember that your family's conditions are not very good, why don't you take advantage of this opportunity!" Reiko continued.

Lin Yifan didn't answer, he was thoughtful.


Thank you Diwangchen for rewarding twice!
(End of this chapter)

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