Bring home the almighty goddess of the fast crossing system

Chapter 201 Playing Gaming?I'm awesome

Chapter 201 Playing Gaming?I'm awesome (20)

He is tall and tall, about 1.8 meters tall, wearing a brown down jacket, looking straight at him!

The two little ones saw Lin Yifan looking behind them, and turned their heads unconsciously!

"Ah!" There were two neat low calls again!

"This one is so handsome!"

"Handsome guy's friends are really handsome guys!"

Lin Yifan wanted to laugh a little, but he had to hold back, after all, the occasion was not suitable for laughing.

But it's this smiley look, not only looks handsome, but also has a bohemian frivolity!
Seeing his expression, the boy frowned slightly, and at this time three more people followed behind him!

"Do you think this is reliable?" A fat man with big ears spoke first!
"Come here, try your luck!" This guy looks very gentle.

There is another one, with a dark face all the time, his lips tightly closed, and he refuses to say a word. If he is holding a knife in his hand at this time, he looks like someone who is here to kill someone!

Presumably these four people should belong to that e-sports team!

"Brother Chen! Is that person here?" The fat man patted Bai Chen's shoulder, and found that he was looking straight ahead, and looked over curiously!

It's just that his gaze seemed to be a little off, and within two seconds, his face became pale, his eyes narrowed into a line, and because of the exaggerated smile, the two lumps of flesh on his face were squeezed together.

"These two young girls look pretty good!" Fatty said softly!
Seeing such a greasy, sensual face, the two little girls turned pale with fright, and ran away quickly!
"Sister, don't go away, brother is a good man!" Fatty looked at the two delicate backs with regret on his face!

Lin Yifan looked at the scene in front of him, and the corners of his mouth twitched unconsciously. It seems that the baby's decision was right!
If she stood in front of the two of them in women's clothing at this time, the fat man's saliva might flow into a river!

"My name is Lin Fan, hello!" Lin Fan opened his mouth and looked at the boy standing in front of him who had been staring at him!
"It's you who placed the order on the 'Almighty Goddess' app..." Lin Yifan was interrupted just as he said this!
"Someone really came!" Fatty looked at the person in front of him in shock!

The other two also looked at her cautiously.

"Of course!" Lin Fan's tone was affirmative, revealing a faint smile!

"I'll go!" Fatty hurried over and looked around in circles!

"This little brother is handsome enough." Fatty looked at it carefully, and said jokingly, "Brother Chen, it seems that your position of good looks will not be guaranteed!"

"Do you know how to play games?" Bai Chen ignored the fat man's teasing, but looked serious instead!
"Cut!" At this moment, a very disdainful voice came, his eyes glanced at Lin Fan with disdain, and then moved away immediately.

It's the brother who has always been black-faced, who seems to look down on Lin Fan very much!
"Of course!" Lin Fan's answer was very brief, not only did it meet the requirements of the order, but also, since she left someone, some characteristics were engraved in her heart!
"There are a few people on the street who can't play games!" The black face spoke again, with a sarcasm in his tone.

"Fourth, don't be so arbitrary." The fat man quickly smoothed things over, and after speaking, he gave Lin Fan a friendly smile, although the smile was very greasy.

"Tonight, there will be a friendly match, come and try your hand." Bai Chen said, but the distrust and doubt in his eyes were clearly written.


(End of this chapter)

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