Bring home the almighty goddess of the fast crossing system

Chapter 216 Playing Gaming?I'm awesome

Chapter 216 Playing Gaming?I'm awesome (36)

Thin snow underfoot!

The sun is shining overhead!

The air carries the unique tranquility of the campus!
Bai Chen and Lin Fan walked one after the other on the way to the cafeteria!
"White God?"

"It's actually a white god?"

"Why did he go back to school?"

Soon, there were rustling discussions in my ears!
"Bai Shen!" The bolder female student yelled directly, attracting Bai Chen's attention!

Bai Chen was also easy-going, and looked at the sound with a faint smile!
"Ah! Baishen looked at me, and he smiled at me, did you see that!" The girl covered her mouth happily, her little face flushed with embarrassment!

The girl beside her was also fascinated by Bai Chen's slight smile, her mind was wandering, how could she have time to answer her questions!

The corners of Lin Fan's mouth curled up slightly. This time, the protagonist is finally not himself!
"Ah!" came a familiar voice.

"It's that little brother!" The two girls with arm in arm stopped in place, staring at Lin Fan!

"Oops!" After Lin Fan saw who was coming, he quickly covered his face with his hands and quickened his pace.

"What's wrong?" Bai Chen watched Lin Fan suddenly cover his face, only to realize that standing not far away, the girl he met at the bus stop that day turned out to be from his school!

"Your little girl!" Bai Chen said jokingly.

"I'll send you off!" Lin Fan was very generous!
She really doesn't need such things as fans!
The two walked side by side, the one was gentle and mature, with steady eyes and determination, coupled with the aura brought to him by the game, he was like a majestic but well-hidden noble son!
The other is cold and alienated, with an unconcealable arrogance. Under the fine hair, there are a pair of deep and seductive eyes, and her fair skin makes her look like a young man who has just stepped out of a comic!

Originally, when Bai Chen walked in this spacious campus alone, he would attract fiery gazes, and with the addition of Lin Fan beside him, the quiet campus would be blown up in an instant!
Before the two of them walked to the cafeteria!
The number of people along the way began to increase quietly!

"very handsome!"

"What grade is he in?"

"What should I do, I seem to be in love!"

"It seems that Fatty is right!" Bai Chen suddenly stopped in his tracks!
Lin Fan was using his thoughts to help him close his sense of hearing, so he didn't even know that Bai Chen had stopped, and he rushed straight forward!

"You don't have long eyes!" A sharp female voice came over!

Lin Fan's body swayed, and he raised his head to look at the sound, his brows were slightly frowned, his forehead was raised slightly, his thin chin was tense, and his arrogant attitude instantly fascinated the girl in front of him.

"Sorry, he didn't see it." Bai Chen took the initiative to comfort the girl.

The girl who hadn't walked out of a stunning picture, turned her head and saw another handsome face, "White God..."

Her cheeks were instantly hot.

"Ah, my little brother seems to have been hit!"

"Yeah, it's all the girl's fault!"

"She actually has the face to say that others don't have eyes!"

The two puppies that followed all the way began to silently fight for Lin Fan!
"Sorry!" Lin Fan spat out two words coldly, because the girl's tone was so harsh, it reminded her of the past, and her mood fell to freezing point in an instant!
"It''s nothing..." The girl's eyes were fixed on the manga-like boy in front of her for a moment. Isn't this bohemian style the one that directly hits the soul!

"It was my sister who accidentally bumped into you just now, please eat and apologize!"

(End of this chapter)

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