Bring home the almighty goddess of the fast crossing system

Chapter 218 Playing Gaming?I'm awesome

Chapter 218 Playing Gaming?I'm awesome (38)

"Who are you calling auntie!" The shy girl immediately stood up and exploded instantly!
She is like a flower like a jade, everyone loves her, and the goddess who is sought after by a bunch of boys behind her!

"I'm calling you!" The two little ones didn't show any weakness, their little hands were around their waists, and their little faces were puffy.

"Look at your fierce look, you are not cute at all!" The two little ones instantly hit the girl's pain point!

"Little brother doesn't like fierce women!" The girl who said the two little ones was flustered. She quickly stabilized her emotions and forced a gentle smile.

"Brother, don't get me wrong, I'm very gentle!" The girl quickly explained.

Looking at this weird scene, Bai Chen's mouth twitched unconsciously!

At this moment, Lin Fan finished his last bite, put down his chopsticks, kicked the stool back neatly, and stood up!

She folded her arms around her chest, her eyes were obscured by the broken hair, and the eyes of the three girls in front of her immediately locked on her!

"Little brother, do you still remember me?" At this time, the little one took the initiative to speak, with pink cheeks, "My name is Ke Tian, ​​and this is my sister's name is Ke Yan."

"You have to remember us~" The playful look of the little one is very cute!
"Well, I'll remember it!" Lin Fan's tone was still indifferent, but his eyes were much gentler.

"Ah!" The two cubs exclaimed at the same time, as indulging in worship as before!

Seeing Lin Fan being so gentle to other girls, the girl standing next to him immediately looked sad.

"Let's go! Brother Chen!" Lin Fan turned his head and blinked quickly at the girl, then turned around handsomely and left!

Boom boom boom!
The girl covered her heart, the frequency there was so fast!

She bit her lower lip tightly, staring longingly at the figure who disappeared around the corner!

"Okay, Lin Yifan, you know how to flirt with girls?" Bao Bao looked at her in a dignified manner.

"This is called making full use of one's own advantages!" Lin Fan will now start to enjoy the feeling of being a handsome guy!
"Xiao Wu." At this time, after leaving the cafeteria, Bai Chen finally couldn't help but speak.

"Don't worry, don't think too much, I'm not a playboy." Lin Fan knew what Bai Chen was going to say.

"It's fine if you don't!" Bai Chen looked at the immature face who was a head shorter than him, couldn't help but put his hand on Lin Fan's head and rubbed it, "Remember, hurry up and practice!"

"Well, go back and practice right away!" Lin Fan already had a plan in mind!
So as soon as I got back to the dormitory, I quickly turned on the computer and went to the elephant live broadcast!

This is what Ye Zi mentioned before!

Lin Fan first registered an account, ID: Falling into the Mortal World!
Then she turned on the live broadcast and logged into the game!

But the round was coming to an end, and there were not even five people in the live broadcast room!

How can we make money if this continues!

Lin Fan simply turned off the live broadcast first, and went to other anchors' rooms to watch and study!
There are recommendations on the homepage, Lin Fan clicked on the most popular ones in turn!

The strongest mid laner in the national server!
The title is very eye-catching, and it just so happens that Lin Fan's position is also mid laner.

At this time, the room was extremely lively, and the barrage was flying!
"If you want to talk about the mid laner, I only obey myself, hahaha!"

The anchor's arrogant voice came from the computer!

"I'm using the simplest and most basic Xiaodaji now."

On the screen is a happy little fox, following the operation of the anchor, jumping around on the map, constantly taking heads!

"Look, killing people is that simple!"

"Go to the opposite side and call Dad every minute!"

At this time, the blockbuster 666 came from the barrage!The anchor Cowhide is similarly praised!
Lin Fan looked at his operation and raised his eyebrows.

Her slender, white fingers quickly typed a line of barrage on the computer!
"Do you dare to challenge me one-on-one!"

(End of this chapter)

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