Bring home the almighty goddess of the fast crossing system

Chapter 223 Playing Gaming?I'm awesome

Chapter 223 Playing Gaming?I'm awesome (43)

The soldier's attack lasted for 30 seconds, and the moment the anchor was resurrected, the crystal exploded~!

Seeing my own crystal being broken, but unable to do anything, is the most heartbreaking!
"I'll go! Big reversal!"

"Brother Liang, what about the plan to crush the game?"

"The national uniform has been abused, so tell everyone~"

The barrage crazily swept across the entire screen!

"You lost!" Lin Fan curled his lips slightly, looking at the dejected face in the small window!
And her subscription in the live broadcast room increased by [-] in an instant!

"Who are you!" The anchor's tone was clearly dissatisfied, his fists were clenched, the corners of his mouth were tightly pursed, and his eyes were scarlet.

"One hundred rockets!" Lin Fan hit the point!
She was leaning on the back of the chair, lazy and evil, through the hair, there were a pair of deep and cold eyes, accompanied by the sunlight that broke through the window at noon, like a dark devil wrapped in a halo!

"Haha, a hundred rockets!"

"It's the first time I've seen this scene in my life!"

"It must be quite spectacular!"

Seeing those words, the anchor stared at the screen for a long time without moving!
He is still stuck in the question of why he lost!
He is the most battle-tested mid laner!
How can you lose to a nobody, stubborn bronze? !
And lose without dignity!

This is not a challenge at all, but a unilateral insult and massacre!

Is it him?

At this moment, a face appeared in the anchor's mind, and he couldn't think of anyone else except him!
But this is not like his style of doing things at all!

"I won't deny it, but you have to tell me who you are!" the anchor said again. At this time, not only him, but all the fans want to know who is the god who suddenly appeared in the fallen world!

"You loser, you don't deserve to know my name!" Lin Fan's arrogance was never concealed!

"So crazy!"

"Don't flash to the waist, brother!"

"Brother Liang, he humiliated you!"

"I just won once! I don't believe you are better than me!" The anchor stood up excitedly, and he stared at the camera angrily, as if he wanted to see the opposite face through the camera!
"Let's start swiping, I'm very busy!" Lin Fan, who completely ignored the other party's emotions, began to show her specialty of pissing people off!
Just listen to bang!
The host punched the table, and the shaking glass fell to the ground!
He gritted his teeth fiercely, feeling oppressed in his chest, and took out his bank card!

Although his live broadcast is very popular, [-] yuan is not a small amount.

It was the first time he gave a reward to someone else!And with a strong sense of shame!
A rocket slides across the screen!
The host's heart throbbed instantly!
"I'm going, let's start!"

"It's like setting off fireworks during the Chinese New Year!"

"Keep this rhythm, don't stop!"

Soon, with the anchor's click, another rocket took off!
It lasted for a full minute!

The full screen of rockets completely covers the barrage!
And the anchor's finger tapping the mouse has obviously started to stiffen!
His heart, from the throbbing pain at the very beginning, to the shooting of all arrows now, it hurts as if he was being grabbed by someone!

"Thank you!" Lin Fan lightly tapped on the keyboard, and quit immediately after speaking!
"I'm going, just leave like this?"

"Brother Liang is crying at this moment!"

"Brother Liang, this kid is too arrogant!"

The anchor looked at the screen where the live broadcast had been suspended, and the veins on his head burst out of hatred!

He will definitely find out this arrogant, ignorant kid!
He wants to return today's humiliation a hundredfold!
(End of this chapter)

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