Bring home the almighty goddess of the fast crossing system

Chapter 227 Playing Gaming?I'm awesome

Chapter 227 Playing Gaming?I'm awesome (47)

Ketian successfully got her best mage, Xiao Qiao, but when it came time for Lin Fan to choose, there was a vacancy for a jungler!
Liu Chuang has been staring at the phone screen nervously, "White God is best at playing wild!"

"Which hero does he use?" Lin Fan asked curiously.

"Li Bai, A Ke, Luna, etc. Hey, Bai Shen can take all the junglers!" Liu Chuang sighed with envy at the same time.

"I, Li Bai, bought a skin. You can try it. That skin is so handsome. I got it after eating instant noodles for half a month." Liu Chuang pointed at the phone screen, his tone excited!
"Okay!" For Lin Fan, they were all heroes he hadn't used before, so it didn't matter which one he used.

"It's really handsome!" Lin Fan looked at the misty man on the matching interface, with silver hair, a heroic and slightly evil face, and asked curiously, "How much does the skin cost?"

"This skin is limited, and you can only buy it at a designated time. I have waited for a year to get it, so don't even think about it, haha!" Liu Chuang waved his hand, his tone was very arrogant, as if he had What a baby!
"Welcome to the Glory of Kings!"

With a passionate system female voice, the game begins!
Lin Fan was not in a hurry to manipulate the characters, but clicked on the skill introduction first.

"I'll go, brother, have you never played this hero?" Liu Chuang asked in a low voice.

"Playing for the first time." Lin Fan quickly read through the hero skills. The words that were completely incomprehensible in the past seemed like vernacular words now.

"I knew I would have asked you to choose something else. Li Bai's operation is very difficult, especially the ultimate move. I have played dozens of rounds, but I still haven't figured it out!" Liu Chuang was a little panicked.

After all, this time with the girl he likes, he can only win but not lose!
Lin Fan didn't speak, and began to operate silently.

"Little brother, I don't play very well, so don't dislike me." At this time, Ketian controlled the cute little Qiao, and had already started to clear the pawn line in the middle.

"It's okay, you can play as you please!" Lin Fan's tone was very relaxed and casual, accompanied by his handsome side face, it can't help but make people dream about it!
I'll bring it, you lie down!
This is a sweet interpretation!

She answered shyly, pursing the corners of her mouth, with a sweet look on her face.

Seeing this, Liu Chuang couldn't help but lean over to Ketian, pretending to look at her mobile phone screen, but actually secretly peeping at her beauty.

"Ketian, you little Qiao is really good at playing." Liu Chuang immediately flattered himself, even though Ketian didn't even know how to make up soldiers, and he turned a blind eye when seeing the little soldier with only the last trace of blood left!

"I like this hero the most, it's very cute." Ke Tian was praised, so she was naturally very happy.

"Well, it's really cute, but not as cute as you!" Liu Chuang didn't miss any chance to praise the goddess.

If you catch a flatterer, hurry up and shoot!

"Hate!" Ke Tian was a little shy, with pink cheeks.

Liu Chuang couldn't take his eyes away now, looking at that pink and fair little face, he really wanted to kiss her.

Bai Chen took a breath, raised his arms, and knocked on the bedroom door.

two seconds...

No answer!

"Xiao Wu?" Bai Chen knocked again, but there was still no sound.

"Did you fall asleep?" Bai Chen thought, and took out his phone.

Although he had the key, this time, Bai Chen didn't choose to go in directly, because the previous experience was a little embarrassing.

After a while, there was a pleasant ringtone from the cell phone in the bedroom.

"Why didn't you answer the phone, kid?"

(End of this chapter)

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