Bring home the almighty goddess of the fast crossing system

Chapter 230 Playing Gaming?I'm awesome

Chapter 230 Playing Gaming?I'm awesome (50)

"Bai Shen, where do you want to go early?" Liu Yuan was still speaking with his ordinary hair, which he was not fluent in!

"Let's go to the cafeteria first!" Bai Chen had only known Lin Fan for two days, and he didn't know much about his whereabouts and temperament, so he could only start looking for him from guesses!

Strange to say, Bai Chen didn't know why he went to find Lin Fan!

A living person will never disappear for no reason at all, let alone on campus, it couldn't be safer!
But if you can't see her, you will feel flustered. Therefore, you must find her and see her with your own eyes to be at ease!
Bai Chen attributed this feeling to the responsibility of the elder brother to the younger brother!
The name of the mage opposite is obviously a girl, and what she said is very straightforward!

Lin Fan didn't pay attention to it, but seriously proceeded with the game where the result was already clear!

"Brother Li Bai, he is super caring!"

Seeing that Li Bai didn't reply, he sent another text with a whining voice!
When Liu Chuang saw the string of words, he couldn't help but tremble all over, and his hairs stood on end!
My heart is full of envy!

Hong Guoguo's envy!

Just imagine that if he has this kind of skill, there will be such sweet and sweet girls begging to hook him up in every round!
Don't feel too good about it!

But looking back, I found Ketian's gloomy face.

"Don't worry, Ke Tian, ​​I won't add her as a friend!" Liu Chuang immediately expressed his loyalty!

After all, Lin Fan was using his account, he was afraid that if there was a misunderstanding, this leap forward would vanish in an instant!
But Tian pouted and didn't speak, she didn't care at all whether the other side would add Liu Chuang as friends!
What she cares about is what Lin Fan thinks in his heart!
Will he use his own number to add that girl after the game and take her to fly!

Just thinking about it makes me sad!
Just thinking about it makes me cry!
That was the little brother she was obsessed with!

How can others take it away!

Bai Chen and Liu Yuan searched the first and second floors of the cafeteria!
There is no sign of Lin Fan at all!
Liu Yuan was running out of breath. He was already weak and had to drink more milk to strengthen his body. He was already sweating profusely!
"Bai Shen, is there anything important you need to do with her?" Liu Yuan quickly pulled out a dining chair and sat down.

Being asked like this!
Bai Chen was stunned!

What was he trying so hard to find Lin Fan?
He only wanted to see her, but he forgot the original reason!


The sound of victory!
Immediately afterwards, a shining little star popped out!

"I want to save the video!" Liu Chuang hurriedly took the phone, afraid that Lin Fan would click back!
"I want to study hard." Liu Chuang blushed!
"Brother Fan! Get a bow from my brother!" As he said, Liu Chuang bowed at ninety degrees!
The corner of Lin Fan's mouth twitched when he saw it!
"Brother, can I add you as a game friend?" Ke Tian softly said, before asking to be added as a WeChat friend was rejected, now the game friend can always be added!

Seeing the simple request of the girl in front of him, Lin Fan was too embarrassed to refuse. After all, handsome guys are used by girls to like them, let alone such a trivial matter as taking them away!
Wouldn't it be better to hone your skills with the burden?
"Okay!" Lin Fan nodded, and touched his jacket pocket!
Seeing that Lin Fan agreed, the corners of his mouth twitched in joy.

Seeing Lin Fan's unique handsomeness in every movement, the little deer in my heart almost fainted!
Lin Fan touched his pockets on both sides and found that the phone was not there!

Maybe it was because I was in a hurry when I came out just now, and I forgot to bring it, "I didn't bring my mobile phone, you can search for my game name."

(End of this chapter)

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