Bring home the almighty goddess of the fast crossing system

Chapter 238 Playing Gaming?I'm awesome

Chapter 238 Playing Gaming?I'm awesome (58)

Lin Fan looked at the string of words, and a sweet smile immediately appeared in his mind. Therefore, it is an advantage for a girl to be beautiful.

This time, she may be a little emotional because of the few sips of beer just now, "Girl, go to bed early, and your skin will be better."

By coincidence, he actually typed such a string of texts!
Ketian looked at such a string of warm and caring words, and her excited eyes began to fog up.

Her excited little hands were shaking!

The male god actually let himself go to bed early!

"Yeah! Ketian must listen to my little brother, and go to bed now, little brother, you should go to bed early too~ Mmm~"

The unique smell of a little girl acting like a baby~
The corners of Lin Fan's mouth turned up slightly, and he turned around to find that Liu Chuang was actually asleep...

She just quit the game.

But the face of someone sitting next to him looks a little subtle!
"It's time for me to go back to sleep!" After Lin Fan finished speaking, he was about to get up, but staring at him, he staggered!
Fortunately, Bai Chen had quick eyesight and quick hands, and supported her!
So soft!

Lin Fan's entire upper body leaned against Bai Chen's body. Bai Chen held Lin Fan's arm with one hand and Lin Fan's shoulder with the other!

"I'm fine!" Lin Fan's voice was a little soft, and anyone who heard it would think she was drunk...

"I'll help her go back." After greeting Liu Yuan, Bai Chen helped Lin Fan to the dormitory!
Lin Fan felt that his feet were out of control...

Like stepping on cotton...

The scene in front of her was shaking, making her want to vomit...

"Be careful!" Bai Chen carefully supported the person in his hand, not daring to use force.

Because of this tactile feeling, this softness, he dared not let him use too much force, for fear that if he exerted too much force, it would hurt her.

At such a close distance, that kind of faint fragrance floated out faintly.

"I'm fine, Brother Chen, you go back!" At this moment, Lin Fan finally returned to his dormitory, and threw himself on the bed.

Lin Fan's eyes were tightly closed, his brows were slightly frowned, his fair face was stained with two blushes, and his pink lips were extraordinarily soft and transparent!
Looking at her, Bai Chen couldn't help feeling a little distressed, it must be very hard!
He poured a cup of hot water and brought it in front of Lin Fan, "Drink some water, it will feel better!"

Lin Fan didn't respond, but frowned.

Bai Chen had no choice but to gently help her sit up, but the touch from his fingertips reminded him again that this feeling was completely different from other brothers, "Idiot, how can you drink so badly!"

As he spoke, he handed the cup to Lin Fan's mouth.

After a few sips of hot water, I felt much better.

"Ke Tian, ​​it's the girl Liu Chuang likes, you just..." Bai Chen didn't know whether Lin Fan could hear her or not.

"The girl my brother likes, it's better for you to keep your distance." Bai Chen was a little worried. With Lin Fan's face, there were so many people who came to strike up a conversation on the road, not to mention the tone of the girl just now, she was clearly right. He has a crush!
What a worrying little fool!
Bai Chen helped Lin Fan cover the quilt, and found that her breathing was steady and long, she must have fallen asleep!
Her sleeping appearance is very cute, not at all like the arrogant kid in the daytime!

"Where did you come from?" Bai Chen squatted in front of Lin Fan's bed, and looked at her carefully.

The next second!
He stood up suddenly!

How crazy!

Why did he do that just now?

Is it the brother's love for the younger brother?

Because Lin Fan drank too much, he just cared about her!


Persisting in voting for me every day is the greatest support and love for me. Thank you for the little cuties who have been following me~ Memoda~ Good night~
(End of this chapter)

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