Bring home the almighty goddess of the fast crossing system

Chapter 243 Playing Gaming?I'm awesome

Chapter 243 Playing Gaming?I'm awesome (63)

"Let's go!" Bai Chen stood up first, and the rest followed behind.

"I can see the beauties and sisters again~hehehe~~~" Fatty's face was full of happiness at this time.

"Where are you going?" Lin Fan walked beside Bai Chen. Although the heights of the two were quite different, their steps were surprisingly consistent.

"I'm going to meet with another team, and I have something important to say." Bai Chen put his hands in his coat pockets, looking handsome and warm. The handsome, people can not help getting close.

On the other hand, Lin Fan put his hands in his trouser pockets casually. He looked lazy and arrogant, especially with that look of indifference, with his broken hair blocking his eyes and his eyes faintly visible, making him People can't help but find out!
The two people walked side by side, forming a strong contrast, which was even more eye-catching, especially the unstoppable handsomeness of the two bodies, which broke out!

"Wow, it's Baishen!"

"very handsome!"

"Who is the person next to him? Why haven't I seen it?"

"Mom! Why are you so handsome!"

All the way out of the cafeteria, there were constant discussions in my ears!
Lin Fan's mouth turned up unconsciously.

"What are you laughing at?" Bai Chen quickly caught Lin Fan's micro expression.

"You are very popular!" Lin Fan said, the voice was enough to fascinate the girls around her~
"To each other, to each other!" Bai Chen turned his eyes slightly to look at Lin Fan, with a warm smile on his lips.

In a building on Commercial Street.

Ten floors!

"Lingxuan studio!"

Lin Fan glanced at the house number and followed Bai Chen in!

"Bai Chen!" The girl leaning on the table smiled when she saw Bai Chen, and said in a sweet voice, "You are here!"

She was wearing a knitted dress, her long hair was draped softly behind her, her whole face was like a peach blossom, she looked gentle and peaceful!

"Xiao Bei." After Bai Chen opened his mouth, the smile on the girl's face became stronger again.

However, when her eyes fell on Lin Fan who was standing beside Bai Chen, the surprise in her eyes flashed by!

"Sister Xuan, did you have a beautiful sister introduce you to us?" Fatty couldn't help but start looking at Bei Lingxuan with small eyes, and swallowed.

"Fatty, when will you change your lust!" Bei Lingxuan reprimanded with a smile on her face!
The fat man is very happy, after all, being blamed by a beautiful woman is also a kind of enjoyment!
"Oh, sister Lei Lei, how about you practice new heroes? I'll teach you!" The fat man walked to the sofa not far away, and sat down next to Lei Lei who was playing a game.

"Sister Lei Lei, I am the best at playing this hero." The fat man rubbed his little hands together, leaned closer to the girl, and put his whole body on it.

Li Cong looked at Fatty's appearance, and rolled his eyes in a familiar way, but the envy on his face was hard to hide, but he was not as shameless as Fatty, and he was shy and shy in his heart and sat honestly with Peng Fa. On a sofa!

"Bai Shen, long time no see!" A girl with a ponytail and heavy makeup came over, with a charming look on her body, her eyes were sizing up Bai Chen unabashedly.

"Long time no see!" Bai Chen greeted politely with a faint smile on his face.

"This is..." At this moment, He Lan's eyes turned to Lin Fan, subconsciously showing surprise in his eyes.

"So handsome!" The girl standing beside her couldn't help but let out an exclamation, and when she found Lin Fan looking at her, her little face blushed suddenly!

Thank you Di Wangchen for rewarding ten times in a row!
(End of this chapter)

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