Bring home the almighty goddess of the fast crossing system

Chapter 246 Playing Gaming?I'm awesome

Chapter 246 Playing Gaming?I'm awesome (66)

"A master like Gao Liang is indeed rare in the e-sports world." He Lan continued, her eyes locked on the change of Lin Fan's expression.

"Even if there are, they have already been recruited by other teams." He Lan continued.

"However!" Her eyes rolled, and she glanced at Bei Lingxuan meaningfully, "Sister Bei has great powers, she really found one!"

"Who is it?" Fatty asked quickly.

He thought to himself, could it be that another beautiful woman is about to be recruited by Bei Lingxuan!
"He was poached from another team by Sister Bei at a high price!" He Lan didn't forget to brag for Bei Lingxuan while drawing Lin Fan's attention.

"I'm going to poach roles? Sister Bei is great!" Li Cong couldn't help but start talking at this moment, "Sister Bei, do you want a replacement player for your team?"

"How could it be! Our five sisters work together, so we don't need extra people!" He Lan looked proud.

"Then why are you poaching people?" The fatty looked curious.

"Well, let Sister Bei talk about it!" He Lan looked at Bei Lingxuan after she finished speaking, she was helping Bei Lingxuan to lay the groundwork.

And Bei Lingxuan seemed very satisfied with He Lan's approach, with a shy smile on his face.

"Here we come!" At this moment, a boy walked in at the door, and when Bei Lingxuan saw it, she got excited and immediately stood up to greet him.

"Si Ye?" The fat man looked at the boy in surprise.

"Why is he here?" Li Cong was also puzzled.

Is it...

"I think everyone here knows him!" Bei Lingxuan said with a smile on his face.

And Si Ye!
About 1.8 meters tall, with dyed yellow hair, wearing a black and red motorcycle suit, with a black gemstone earring on his ear, a hard hat between his arms, and full of decorative rings on his fingers.

Under the black sunglasses, there is a thin lip, chewing and opening and closing, the chin is slightly raised, looking crazy and tugging.

"Bai Chen!" Bei Lingxuan looked at Bai Chen tenderly, "This is the new mid laner I hired for your team!"

"What?" Fatty, Li Cong, and Peng Fa looked at Si Ye together!

After hearing this, Bai Chen frowned slightly!

Si Ye, his strength is second only to Gao Liang, he can be said to be another top expert, and Bei Lingxuan actually poached him!
This kid has always had his eyes above the top, and he is so arrogant that he is arrogant.

Presumably, Bei Lingxuan must have wasted a lot of energy!

"I'll go!" Fatty couldn't help sighing!
If Si Ye joins, this competition will be a sure thing!

But... Everyone looked at Lin Fan in unison, but she remained calm and unmoved!
"Xiao Bei, why didn't you discuss it with me in advance!" Bai Chen stood up, his tone was not the excitement and gratitude that Bei Lingxuan expected, but rather, a little... blame?
Bei Lingxuan's smile instantly froze on her face.

"Bai Shen, I know you are too excited! After all, the person invited is Si Ye, which is normal!" He Lan hurriedly opened his mouth to smooth things over.

"Bai Chen?" Si Ye's tone rose, and he took off his sunglasses with one hand, revealing a pair of extremely arrogant eyes, which seemed to despise everything.

"I heard that you are very strong in the jungle? I really want to see it."

"It's a pleasure to meet you! It's a pleasure to meet you!" Si Ye offered to extend his hand, but his expression was as if he was giving alms, as if he condescended to join Bai Chen's team!

Bai Chen looked at his outstretched hand, without any intention of making a move. Instead, he looked at Si Ye with cold eyes, "Sorry, we have a mid laner!"

(End of this chapter)

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