Bring home the almighty goddess of the fast crossing system

Chapter 254 Playing Gaming?I'm awesome

Chapter 254 Playing Gaming?I'm awesome (74)

Lin Fan glanced at Fatty, but didn't respond!

"Hey, you cheapskate!" The fat man deliberately put on an angry posture!

"Rich women don't like you!" Lin Fan said leisurely, with an arrogant expression on his face, as if to say, only a thin-skinned and handsome man like me is fine!

As soon as these words came out, Li Cong laughed and fell directly on the bed, tears came out!

"Okay! Good you little fifth brother! I remember you!" The fat man looked gloomy!
Bai Chen didn't expect that this cold and arrogant guy could still make jokes!

As soon as Lin Fan logged into the game, a message prompt appeared in the dialog box.

"Little brother!" It's sweet!

Did Ketian install a tracker?
Why does Lin Fan meet Ketian every time he goes online!
At this time, Bai Chen sent an invitation!
Lin Fan ignored Ketian and directly entered the game!

"Xiao Wu, let's test your achievements in the past two days!" Bai Chen was very optimistic about Lin Fan!
"Which mid lane hero do you use?" Fatty asked.

"All good!" Lin Fan's tone was very casual.

"Hmph!" Peng Fa finally couldn't help but let out a cold snort!
The corners of Lin Fan's mouth turned up slightly, and he ignored it.

"Then I'll order it!" The fat man looked at Lin Fan's arrogant appearance, trying to frustrate her.

Lin Fan nodded, full of confidence!
"Moxie!" Fatty ordered the mid laner hero, which is difficult to operate, especially to master the direction and accuracy of skills, which is difficult to achieve without long-term repeated practice!

After Lin Fan found the hero, he directly selected it to confirm!

Little man, I see that you will lose the chain in a while, but I will bury you well to avenge that kick!
The little calculation in the fat man's heart is well done!

Unfortunately, it backfired!
Because Lin Fan not only operates neatly, the accuracy can be said to be [-]%, coupled with strong consciousness and anticipation!


"double kill!" (double kill!)
"Triple kill!" (Three kills!)
"killing spree!"
"unstopable!" (no one can stop!)
Immediately afterwards, without the slightest surprise, they won the victory!
"I'll go, not bad!" The fat man looked at the calm Lin Fan with a little surprise. This operation is absolutely awesome!Totally unexpected!
"Little Wu, not bad!" Bai Chen encouraged at the right time!The eyes are more determined!
"It's a sum for the dish on the other side!" Peng Fa's tone was very disdainful!

"With such an obvious advantage, who wouldn't fight!" Peng Fa continued, with a gloomy expression on his face.

"Fourth brother, although the opposite side is good, it is also at a normal level. You can't deny that fifth brother's operation is really beautiful!" Fatty looked at Peng Fa and looked down on Lin Fan from the bottom of his heart, and tried to persuade him.

"Hmph!" Peng Fa snorted coldly, and stopped making a sound!

"Let's continue!"

This time, Lin Fan still chose Mo Xie, the go-getter. Caibi’s teammates won’t meet every time, at least, she wants to show Peng Fa that the advantage of the game is not caused by the opponent’s dish, but because of her own strength. !
This time, Lin Fan played a little more seriously!
As a result, when the opponent saw her, he immediately hid far away, and finally surrendered just 6 minutes later...

"The mentality is so broken?" Fatty couldn't believe it. People nowadays really don't have any patience and tenacity!

If only the opponents in the game were like this!
"Fifth brother, you're hiding everything!" Li Cong adjusted his glasses, his expression full of anticipation!

At this moment, Peng Fa still had a gloomy expression, but he didn't utter any more cynicism!
(End of this chapter)

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