Bring home the almighty goddess of the fast crossing system

Chapter 259 Playing Gaming?I'm awesome

Chapter 259 Playing Gaming?I'm awesome (80)

Seeing Lin Fan standing up suddenly and walking towards him, Bei Lingxuan's breathing stopped suddenly!

Then, all she could hear was her own beating heart!

Her eyes widened, staring at Lin Fan in disbelief!

Is she going to talk to herself?
Thinking of this, Bei Lingxuan's cheeks became hotter and hotter!
Just when she was flustered and didn't know what to do, Lin Fan walked past her without stopping!
After Bei Lingxuan realized that she was thinking too much, she quickly looked away in embarrassment, and took a sip of the red wine in her hand.

Afterwards, she looked at the direction where Lin Fan left, feeling a sense of loss in her heart, and her sadness spread...

I even want to cry a little...

Why is this feeling more sad than Bai Chen ignoring her, or even blaming her?
Lin Fan followed the signs and found the bathroom. She was about to take a step when she suddenly stopped!

So, should she choose to go to the men's room or the women's room?
Lin Fan stood in front of the bathroom, very confused!

Now that she is a boy, she will naturally go to the men's bathroom, but...

If there is someone inside, it will be a hot eye!

Lin Fan rubbed the space between his brows, and at this moment, a person suddenly jumped in his arms!

"You made me look for it so hard!" The girl grabbed Lin Fan's neck, and hers was directly pressed against her chest!

Lin Fan was really taken aback!
What's the situation?
The girl raised her face, and before she could open her mouth, she could already smell the strong smell of alcohol. She was obviously drunk!
"Handsome guy, I've been looking for you all night!" The girl's voice was sweet!
Lin Fan was taken aback, and quickly grabbed the girl's wrist, with a black line on his face at the same time!
She had never seen this face before!

"When you were queuing at the door just now, you stole his heart!" The girl enjoyed Lin Fan's hand holding her very much, and she didn't struggle or resist, instead she looked shy.

"Sorry, I don't know you!" Lin Fan wanted to get rid of this burden as soon as possible, otherwise it would be a disaster if he revealed his secret in a while!

"Oh, you're really annoying!" The girl had never heard such a charming voice, her whole heart trembled vigorously, and she slipped into Lin Fan's arms again without hesitation, "I'm drunk, Can you take me back!" The girl hugged Lin Fan's arm tightly, not letting go!
"I'm going to the bathroom, let me go!" Lin Fan's voice suddenly became cold.

In fact, she is usually very gentle towards girls, but this one is really like a dog's skin plaster, which makes people upset!

"I'll accompany you!" The girl raised her head, with a smirk on her face, and immediately dragged Lin Fan into the women's bathroom with force!

"Hello!" Lin Fan shouted in panic!
But the whole person has already been dragged in!
The two girls who were putting on makeup in front of the mirror didn't seem surprised when they saw the two people rushing in, but one of them took a look with clear eyes!
At this moment, the girl still refused to let go, and seemed to want to drag Lin Fan into the cubicle!

I rely on!

Lin Fan cursed in his heart!
She pushed the girl away forcefully, frowning tightly!

At the same time, he tugged at the neckline and glared at her!
This simple movement, made by Lin Fan, simply dazzled the girl's eyes!

"Sorry!" Before the girl pounced on him again, Lin Fan whispered to the two girls in front of the mirror, turned around and left quickly!

(End of this chapter)

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