Bring home the almighty goddess of the fast crossing system

Chapter 278 Playing Gaming?I'm awesome

Chapter 278 Playing Gaming?I'm awesome (99)

Bai Chen couldn't help but look carefully.

I saw Lin Fan's cheeks were fair and pink, and his little nose was round, very cute.

Especially her mouth looks soft!

He subconsciously moved closer.

Lin Fan's skin is really good, unlike ordinary boys, at such a close distance, except for those cute and transparent fluff, no pores can be seen!
Xiao Wu's parents must be pretty, otherwise how could they have given birth to such a delicate boy?

Bai Chen's mood was a little chaotic for a while, and at the same time, his heartbeat began to speed up uncontrollably. In this quiet space, it sounded particularly abrupt!

Looking at Lin Fan who was still sleeping peacefully, he couldn't help reaching out and touching the back of her hand.

With a hasty grip just now, Bai Chen wanted to confirm whether that tactile sensation was real or not!
Just when Bai Chen held his breath and concentrated, his fingertips just touched the back of Lin Fan's hand!
"Brother Chen!" Lin Fan opened his eyes instantly!

Bai Chen retracted his arms in panic, and straightened his upper body abruptly!

With a bang, his head hit the bed frame firmly!

Immediately, Bai Chen gasped, "Hiss~!"

He clutched his head, his painful facial features twisted together!
"Are you okay..." Lin Fan got up in a daze, and quickly looked at Bai Chen who was squatting on the ground in pain.

At this moment, Bai Chen's violent heartbeat and flustered mood completely covered up the pain in his head!
He was so guilty that he didn't dare to answer, he just pretended to be in excruciating pain!

If Xiao Wu didn't wake up in time, he didn't call himself!

Thinking of this, Bai Chen's pupils trembled in panic!

He just...

What the hell!

Oh shit!

Bai Chen cursed in his heart!
You can't be a pervert!

"Brother Chen, are you alright!" Lin Fan squatted beside Bai Chen, asking worriedly.

She is fully awake now!
The moment she woke up just now, why did she suddenly feel that Bai Chen was so close to her!

Is it an illusion? !

While burying his head, Bai Chen quietly looked at Lin Fan from the corner of his eye, for fear that she would find any flaws.

"Xiao Wu, you seemed to be having a nightmare just now." Bai Chen tried to keep his tone as calm as possible.

"Oh..." Lin Fan was thoughtful, as if he was thinking about it!

Bai Chen looked at Lin Fan's appearance, and hurriedly continued, "I told you that you didn't agree, so I walked over and patted you, and you suddenly opened your eyes, which shocked me!"

"I'm sorry, Brother Chen." Lin Fan's tone was filled with guilt, Bai Chen's arm is still not healed, and this time he bumped his head again.

"It's okay, you boy, it's really worrying!" Bai Chen rubbed his head indiscriminately, stood up, in order to prevent Lin Fan from continuing to ask, Bai Chen quickly changed the subject.

"What did you dream about just now? I think you've been pulling your clothes!" Bai Chen still didn't dare to look directly at Lin Fan. He simply walked to the side of Lin Fan's bed, turned his back to Lin Fan, and helped her tidy the quilt. .


Pull clothes?
Lin Fan's hands touched the front of him subconsciously!


He must have forgotten it when he was sleeping. Looking at Bai Chen whose back was still facing him, Lin Fan said hastily, "I'm going to the toilet!"

Then quickly trot over there!

As soon as she stepped into the compartment, the cloth strips fell out of her clothes!

Fortunately, Bai Chen didn't find out! ! !

still is……


Merry Christmas, little cuties~
(End of this chapter)

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