Bring home the almighty goddess of the fast crossing system

Chapter 282 Playing Gaming?I'm awesome

Chapter 282 Playing Gaming?I'm awesome (103)

"No arrangement, cough, cough!" Bai Chen patted his chest with his good hand, and Bei Lingxuan's eyes made him almost choke to death.

"Great!" Bei Lingxuan's happy voice raised several degrees!

Immediately, she realized that the reaction was a bit extreme, and quickly stroked her hair in embarrassment, and suggested with a slightly flushed cheek, "Let's have a Christmas party together!"

Bai Chen and Lin Fan looked at Bei Lingxuan at the same time!
After feeling Lin Fan's gaze, Bei Lingxuan became shy for a second, and even her tone softened several degrees!

"Invite all the friends you know, and let's have fun together. After all, this year is going to pass, so it's not about relaxing!" Bei Lingxuan showed the sweetest and most beautiful smile, and her beautiful eyes were bent into crescent moon.

"Lin Fan, what do you think?" Bei Lingxuan looked at Lin Fan beseechingly.

"I'll listen to Brother Chen." Lin Fan replied lightly, his beautiful lips were slightly raised, and then he lowered his eyes and continued to eat.

Taking advantage of Lin Fan's lowered head, Bei Lingxuan reluctantly peeked at him for several seconds. This was the first time she looked at Lin Fan so closely!

The few strands of hair on her forehead swayed willfully with her movements, and a pair of deep and unpredictable eyes were hidden under them.

At this time, Lin Fan scooped up a spoonful of soup, opened his lips slightly, and blew. With this blow, Bei Lingxuan seemed to feel a feather brushing gently over her heart, which was itchy, yet irritating. Nostalgia!

Immediately, Bei Lingxuan turned her attention to Bai Chen!
Bai Chen's hands trembled, his mouth twitched, and he almost choked himself to death with a mouthful of soup.

He is a little afraid now that Bei Lingxuan is looking at him. If he disagrees with that posture, he will definitely come up with more tricks in the next second!

"Okay..." The word "ba" has not yet been uttered!

"Then it's settled!" Bei Lingxuan happily grabbed Bai Chen's hand!

Her eyes sparkled with excitement!
"The White God has won!"

"I can't see it!"

"Didn't you notice that the goddess was peeking at me just now? Besides, in the short 10 minutes since she came here, she has peeked at me 35 times!"

Bai Chen quickly pulled out his hand, it would be bad if Xiao Wu misunderstood...

Bei Lingxuan realized that she had been rude, and quickly took her hands back. At the same time, she shyly covered her mouth with both hands, and couldn't hide her smile.

"Look at the goddess' reaction, she is obviously interested in Baishen!"

"That's different, I think her happiness comes from me!"

"Tch, I think the goddess is more suitable for Baishen. As for Lin Fan, I think he is more suitable for me, hehehehe!"

"Smelly shameless, obviously she is more suitable for me!"

"Stop arguing, we've been together for a long time!"


Bai Chen has never seen Bei Lingxuan so happy that she can't live by herself, at least not for him...

A woman's heart, a sea needle!

Turning faces is as fast as turning a book!

Yesterday he was still in love with me, but today he is chasing after Xiao Wu!

It seems that it is necessary to remind Xiao Wu.

In case Xiao Wu is sincerely moved, and Xiao Bei falls in love with someone else later, wouldn't it hurt Xiao Wu's heart?
Bai Chen frowned, thinking about it.

"Open your mouth!" At this moment, a pair of delicate and silky hands appeared in Bai Chen's sight.


Fans are ready, follow the WeChat public account [curly hair hahaha], please watch hard~
(End of this chapter)

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