Bring home the almighty goddess of the fast crossing system

Chapter 329 Playing Gaming?I'm awesome

Chapter 329 Playing Gaming?I'm awesome (154)

"Scan the QR code to join the group! Quick!" A QR code suddenly appeared in Ketian's sight.

"What is this?" Ketian asked curiously.

"The fan group of the Fifth Highness!" The girl holding the QR code looked excited, "The Fifth Highness is so handsome, you must like her too, hurry up and scan, there are benefits for joining the group~"

Girls' words are full of temptation!

Turning around, Ketian discovered that many people took the QR code of the so-called Fifth Highness's fan group and asked the audience to scan it!

Although Ke Tian is very pleased that Brother Fan has such enthusiastic fans, but she always has a bad feeling in her heart!

Confused, she took out her phone, scanned the QR code and joined the group!
This group is full!
And the group name is five highness fans three groups!

Ketian's little brows frowned unconsciously, which made her suspicion even deeper!

"Ke Yan, go and ask everyone to enter different groups to see what's going on!" Ke Tian turned her head and explained to Ke Yan who was sitting next to her!

It can be said that Ke Tian had the same idea for a long time, and she immediately spread the news to the support group run by the two of them!
"Okay, now let's officially kick off the curtain of the competition!" Xiao Fei shouted.

Next, Liangliang will announce the curtain!
"The first group of 'Immortal Dynasty' VS 'EX Warrior'!"

"Second group 'Sakura' VS 'Wasp'!"

"The third group of 'Red Cross Love' VS 'No one left behind'!"

"The fourth group 'Yunxuan Pavilion' VS 'Morning Sunshine'!"

"The fifth group 'Lingxuan Miracle' VS 'Peak God'!"

"Okay! Let's invite the first group of contestants to play!" After speaking, the audience cheered!
I saw Si Ye wearing a pair of sunglasses, blowing kisses to the auditorium with a flirtatious look.

Suddenly there was a scream!
"Husband Si Ye!"

Si Ye was very satisfied with the reaction of the fans, and at the same time cast a contemptuous glance at the location of the morning sun!

With the passionate system prompt, the game begins!
"Welcome to the Glory of Kings!"

The two sides are ready to go, and it looks like no one will accept the other.

"Xiao Wu." Bai Chen suddenly whispered.

"Huh?" Lin Fan was seriously watching the game screen shown on the big screen at this time.

"Tell me, what should I give you?" Bai Chen rubbed his hands, a little shy.

"What?" Although Lin Fan moved his head closer to Bai Chen, his eyes did not leave the big screen for a moment!
"I said Christmas presents!" Seeing Lin Fan's absent-minded look, Bai Chen became a little anxious, and leaned against her ear, his voice suddenly raised!
The shocked Lin Fan suddenly pulled his mind back!
Lin Fan looked at Bai Chen with a bit of contempt on his face, "Brother Chen, is it appropriate to discuss this now?"

"Where is it inappropriate? Don't watch that bad game, it must be Si Ye and the others who won, and the EX fighters are here to accompany you!" Bai Chen's tone was very sure, he knew the opponent's strength quite well!

"Okay!" Lin Fan shrugged his shoulders after finishing speaking, and continued to look at the big screen again!
"I said you kid!" Bai Chen turned Lin Fan's head around, forcing her to face him!

"Tell me quickly, what to give!" Bai Chen looked really anxious and angry!

"Okay, okay, let me think about it!" Lin Fan had no choice but to turn his brain quickly.

"For example, accessories." Lin Fan suggested, she thought she liked these things quite a bit.

"Accessories?" Bai Chen looked blank.

"Necklaces, bracelets, hairpins, and rings are definitely inappropriate for you to give now."

(End of this chapter)

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