Bring home the almighty goddess of the fast crossing system

Chapter 331 Playing Gaming?I'm awesome

Chapter 331 Playing Gaming?I'm awesome (156)

"That's Gao Liang!" Bai Chen looked deeply at his former teammates, but now they have become enemies!

"Oh?" No wonder he looked at himself with that kind of eyes.


"With a high standard, we're sure to win this game!" Bai Chen frowned slightly, his eyes locked on the opposite stage.

"Worried?" Lin Fan asked back with a slight smile.

Bai Chen raised his eyebrows and said nothing for a long time, "He's much better than Si Ye!"

"Oh?" Hearing such an evaluation, Lin Fan's tone contained a hint of a low smile.

"That doesn't look too good." Immediately, she completely lost her seriousness just now, and just dragged her cheeks casually, staring at the live broadcast screen from time to time!

"You boy!" Bai Chen looked at Lin Fan's stinky fart, and couldn't help rubbing the top of her head!
Sure enough, the game was over in less than 10 minutes!

"Gao Liang hasn't shown his true strength yet!" Bai Chen looked at the screen of the settlement page, his expression darkened again!

Seems tense!
"Congratulations to Red Cross Love for winning!"

"Ah! Brother Liang!"

"Brother Liang is the best!"

"Brother Liang is the brightest star in the sky!"

Hearing the praise from the fans, Gao Liang had a proud face, as if he had won the championship!
"Next, let's invite the fourth group of contestants to come on stage!"

"Let's go!" Bai Chen stood up suddenly, and immediately put on a murderous look!

This made the rest of the people couldn't help but immediately get serious!

"I won in a while, I'm going out for a while, you go back to the dormitory!" Bai Chen whispered to Lin Fan!
Lin Fan smiled slyly, and listening to Bai Chen's tone, the odds of victory are in his hands!
of course!

It's just a mere Yunxuan Pavilion!

"Ah ah ah ah ah!"

"White God! White God! White God!"

The audience immediately exploded, it was a screaming craze that could not be hit just now!

Next up!

"Your Highness Fifth! Your Highness Fifth!"

"Your Highness Fifth, you are the best!"

The so-called fan group started their enthusiastic performance again!
And one of the girls mixed in was wearing a peaked cap at this time, the brim of the hat was pushed down low, revealing only a gorgeous red lip slightly upturned!

Lin Fan heard the reputation and looked around, and found that Ke Tian Ke Ke and the others were sitting not far away. Contrary to that fan group, they behaved very well!
Being obedient is exactly what Lin Fan is satisfied with!
Fans who understand their true heart are true fans, as for those people...

Before Lin Fan had time to think about it, the match had already been announced!
"Welcome to the Glory of Kings!"

The opponent is surprisingly good!
This shocked all five of them!

"Bronze Bureau?"

"Crush the game?"

"Passerby Bureau?"

The audience at the scene also looked confused!

At this level, how did Yunxuan Pavilion enter the finals? !
But the expressions of the five people in Yunxuan Pavilion looked very relaxed, just like the attitude of playing casually on weekdays!

6 minutes!
Yunxuan Pavilion almost surrendered directly!
A game that was not challenging at all has come to an end!

"This match was beyond my expectation!"

"I don't know what's wrong with Yunxuan Pavilion!"

Even the host was puzzled!
Auditions are not at this level!

Putting down the phone, Bai Chen turned around and left without hesitation!

"Brother Chen, why are you going?" The fat man looked at Bai Chen's hurrying back and muttered in confusion!
At this time, the fifth group of contestants is ready to debut!

"Come on!" Lin Fan took the initiative to walk to Bei Lingxuan's side, with a good-looking smile, "Thank you for sending me the team uniform, it looks great!"

(End of this chapter)

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