Bring home the almighty goddess of the fast crossing system

Chapter 333 Playing Gaming?I'm awesome

Chapter 333 Playing Gaming?I'm awesome (158)

Bai Chen clutched the gift box in his pocket tightly, his face full of excitement!
He went straight to the bedroom and walked over!
The steps are all happy jumps!
The first thing Lin Fan did when he returned to the dormitory was to tear off that inhuman chest wrap!


Breathing is easy in an instant!
Immediately, she threw herself on the bed and closed her eyes!

I've always been sleepy and tired recently!
It is estimated that during these days when Bai Chen was here, he did not sleep well!
At this moment, only himself was left, and Lin Fan relaxed his body and mind into sleep!

And here, Ke Tian can stare at the fan group of His Highness the Fifth Highness almost 24 hours a day!

The contents posted in the group were all praises for Lin Fan, and some of them were even exaggerated to death!
Let Lin Fan look different from ordinary people!
And most of the people in the group are adolescent girls. After being brainwashed by such content, they all admire Lin Fan obsessively!

When Ketian usually posted campus posts, although she would exaggerate Lin Fan's charm a little, it was definitely not such a fake compliment!
"Actually, it's not that exaggerated!"

Sweet words just sent out!
"You are a fake fan!"

"My husband must be better!"

"That's right, if you don't like it, get out!"

In an instant, there was a retort like swiping the screen!
Everyone seemed to be brainwashed, and they all spoke in unison!

Looking at such a battle, whoever dares to say a bad word will be captured in an instant!
This made Ke Tian even more worried!

This is not normal liking at all!
It's too extreme!

She began to hesitate in her heart, should she tell Lin Fan about this matter!

At this time, the girl with the peaked cap was hiding in a corner. On the screen of the mobile phone was a transfer record that had already been charged!
The name on the dialog box is the mark of Yunxuan Pavilion-XX!
This is her big gift to Bai Chen!
"Hmph!" She snorted coldly, lowered the brim of her hat, and walked out of the competition hall!

Bai Chen wondered how to speak when he saw Lin Fan the whole way!
"Xiao Wu, this is a Christmas present for you!"

"No! Wouldn't she guess it all at once?"

"If Xiao Wu knows that he likes her, will he become alienated!"

"Besides, it's not normal to like boys. How dare you tell her directly like this? What if she doesn't accept it?"

Bai Chen would stop and struggle every few steps!
"Or, is this given to her by winning today's game?"

"Then she won't know what she wants!"

"What should I say!"

Bai Chen was about to collapse!

At this moment, Lin Fan, who was soundly asleep, suddenly felt restless in his lower abdomen, and then a warm current poured down!

At this time, she is lingering in a dream!

"Pink! Perfect for you!"

"Like it?"

"I chose it myself!"

The scene in the dream is so real!

That voice is still in my ears!

"Lu Mingcheng..."

Lin Fan couldn't help whispering...

Just then, there was a knock on the door!

"Xiao Wu?" Bai Chen finally walked to the door of the dormitory after hesitating for a long time.

"Xiao Wu? Are you there?" Hearing that there was no movement inside, Bai Chen knocked twice again!
At this time, Lin Fan was lying on the bed in a half-dream and half-awake state!
She heard someone calling her, but she couldn't bear to open her eyes, she couldn't bear to have such a real dream!

"Strange!" Bai Chen directly reached out his hand and took out the key to the dormitory from his pocket!

 Daily confession!Thank you little cuties for the recommendation tickets~ I have received them~ refills~~~

(End of this chapter)

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