Bring home the almighty goddess of the fast crossing system

Chapter 339 Playing Gaming?I'm awesome

Chapter 339 Playing Gaming?I'm awesome (164)

He was sitting on the opposite bed, with his arms on both sides of his body, his feet crossed, and he was happily rocking back and forth!

No wonder Xiao Wu said he doesn't like Bei Lingxuan~
No wonder she rejected He Lan's invitation!
No wonder she was indifferent to those beauties!
Bai Chen is very happy just thinking about it!

from now on!
He is going to pursue Xiao Wu seriously!
Bai Chen suddenly remembered the necklace that was still lying in his pocket!
Now, without any excuses, you can give it to Xiao Wu openly and aboveboard!
At the same time, the fan group about His Royal Highness is steaming up!

The trend is very bad!
Because someone was deliberately promoting Lin Fan's positive image and making everyone fall in love with her madly, but at the same time began to instill some negative news!

For example, first praise her for being cool and stylish!

She began to use her to accept girls' treats at will to subtly let everyone guess that she is a person who likes to eat soft food, and is even willing to cheat on rich women!

At first, it was said that in order to help her friends, she fought a lot, and she was very heroic!Quite manly!
Then it started to spread again that she hit the girl with her hands!

"His Highness Fifth hits a girl? I don't believe it!"

"Impossible! Absolutely impossible!"

"Someone must be jealous, talking nonsense!"

The fans in the group immediately spoke up for Lin Fan!

Until, someone leaked a few pictures!

It happened to be the night of Christmas, the picture of Lin Fan beating someone!
"I'm going! No way!"

"Pictures can be PS, find out!"

"That's right, not to mention it's so far away, it's not easy to borrow a seat, isn't that how it is shot in movies?"

Fangirls still firmly believe that they are fans, not like this!
"What is the intention of the person who took this kind of photo? Is he deliberately discrediting our Fifth Highness?"

"Yes! Resolutely defend His Highness Fifth!"

"People who post pictures like this don't deserve to be in the group! Get lost!"

The fans are passionate!
Unanimously out!
Ketian watched these two waves, and her heart fluctuated accordingly. Fortunately, everyone is still awake!

Otherwise, she would really have to explain to Lin Fan!

After putting down her phone, she can finally sleep peacefully!

On the other side, in the dark night, the screen reflected the cold light, and those red lips were particularly glaring!

With the click of those slender fingers, a pre-edited video was sent to the group!

It's all quiet!
Lin Fan and Bai Chen just looked at each other for a while!

don't know what to say...

Lin Fan lowered his head slightly, moved his eyes from side to side, and spoke first, "I want to go to bed early."

"Well, go to sleep!" Bai Chen still smiled with his brows upturned, and his little feet didn't stop swinging back and forth, like he was swinging on a swing...

Lin Fan was a little helpless, he could only crawl into the bed stiffly with embarrassing movements!
And Bai Chen stared intently at her every movement, not even letting go of the fluttering of her hair!

Half an hour!

"Brother Chen!" Lin Fan felt that being watched by someone sleeping was really a creepy thing. Every time he opened his eyes, he would stare at you without blinking...

"What's the matter?" Bai Chen's tone was very cheerful~
"You...don't go back?" Lin Fan reminded him for the third time that it's time to go back!
"Oh!" Bai Chenteng jumped off the bed, stood up straight, rolled his eyes several times, and then slowly walked towards the door!

"Turn off the light for me!" Seeing Bai Chen finally leave, Lin Fan's tense nerves could finally relax.

"Or, I'll accompany you!"

(End of this chapter)

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