Bring home the almighty goddess of the fast crossing system

Chapter 341 Playing Gaming?I'm awesome

Chapter 341 Playing Gaming?I'm awesome (166)

"Welcome everyone to the scene of the five-to-three finals of Glory of Kings!"

"I'm the host Liangliang!"

"I'm Xiaofei!"


The cheers of the audience instantly resounded throughout the competition hall!

"It seems that everyone is looking forward to today's game!"

"Okay, let's take a look at the five teams that will compete today!"

"Immortal Dynasty!"

"Ah ah ah ah ah!"

"Husband Si Ye!!!"

"Red Cross Love!"

"Oh! I love Brother Liang!"

"Lingxuan Miracle!"

"Goddess! Goddess! Goddess!"


"Sakura sakura, romantic sakura!"

"It's beyond my expectation that this team can advance. It seems that the women's team is really getting better and better!"

"I also look forward to their performance today!"

"Finally, let us invite Chen~guang~chao~yang~ who has the most potential to win the championship!"

"Welcome to the morning sun!!!"

Unlike in the past, the voices from the audience were surprisingly low!
Only the fan group led by Ke Tianke is cheering and shouting, but compared to other teams, the strength seems to be very weak!
"Huh? What's the situation today?"

"What about the enthusiasm of the fans?"

"Are you so nervous that you forget to cheer?"

The two hosts were talking amusingly, but the audience still didn't react much, so that everyone began to notice the abnormality!

"Okay, because Chenguang Chaoyang crushed the players with an absolute advantage yesterday, so they are directly promoted. Today they only need to play the role of audience!"

"Next, we invite the first group of contestants!"

"'Immortal Dynasty' VS' Primrose Grass'!"

"Speaking of which, the strength of the Undying Dynasty cannot be underestimated, especially Si Ye, who is known as the top mid laner, is still among them!"

"Well! That's true, but through yesterday's competition, I am very optimistic about Primrose, who said that women are not as good as men!"

"I look forward to your wonderful performance!"

Following the voice of the fans, the game begins!
"It can be said that compared to yesterday's game, today's competition seems to be more difficult!"

"You can tell by the tight brows of the girls, this is a tough battle!"

There is a fierce fight on the screen!

And Ketian was in a hurry to check the chat records in the group after she fell asleep last night!
There are more than 2 entries!
She browsed at the fastest speed, but the more she looked down, the uglier her face became, so that at the end, she frowned and looked worriedly at Lin Fan who was sitting on the stage!

As for Bai Chen, who stayed up all night last night, after seeing Lin Fan today, he felt as if he had taken a stimulant, and he was full of energy!

He seemed to be watching the battle, looking at the big screen, but in fact, he had sneaked glances at Lin Fan [-] times from the corner of his eyes!

"Xiao Wu, who do you think will win?" Bai Chen deliberately found a topic to discuss with Lin Fan in a low voice.

"Huh?" Lin Fan looked at Bai Chen suspiciously.

I found that his eyes were almost narrowed into a line because of his smile...

Turning around, Bai Chen consciously glanced at Lin Fan's neck!

His face suddenly sank!

Why didn't Xiao Wu wear it?

Don't you like it?

That's right, the necklace was chosen according to the boyish style.

After winning the game, take the bonus and buy another one for Xiao Wu!
Thinking like this, Bai Chen's face regained a smile.

"It should be that the Undying Dynasty will win!" Lin Fan saw that although the current situation was evenly matched, the potential advantages were all on Si Ye's side!
"Get off!"

(End of this chapter)

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