Bring home the almighty goddess of the fast crossing system

Chapter 366 Sending you to deal with the big boss

Chapter 366 Sending you to deal with the big boss (11)

"Not ready yet." Lin Yifan could only answer in a low-key manner.

Lu Qi showed joy on his face, "With me here, I will definitely give you a good grade!"

"When you finish class at night, come to the art troupe, and I'll help you with tutoring!" Lu Qi looked expectant.


As soon as he arrived in the classroom, Ye Zi waved at Lin Yifan excitedly.

Before she could sit still, Ye Zi couldn't help but said, "Extremely good news!"

Ye Zi couldn't help snickering as she spoke, "I'm so excited to death!"

"What's wrong?" Seeing Ye Zi's excited hands and feet, Lin Yifan also became curious.

"Didn't I add that joy's WeChat?" Ye Zi's eyes were shining, showing how happy she was.

"I saw that he posted on Moments today, so I left him a message!" Speaking of this, Ye Zi clenched her fists tightly, and the excitement was about to burst through the top of her head and spurt out!
"What about after that..." Lin Yifan looked at Ye Zi's uncomfortable expression, waiting for him to ask a question, and he was very cooperative.

"After that...hahaha." Ye Zi covered her face, and it took him a long time to recover, "He works part-time at a golf course, so I just chatted with him, taking this opportunity, I found a good opportunity! "

"That golf course is just hiring caddies, and it's 30 an hour!" Ye Zi looked at Lin Yifan with glowing eyes, "If I go, not only can I earn pocket money, but I can also get along with Joy day and night!"

"Do you think it's great news! Hahaha!" Ye Zi hurriedly covered her mouth to prevent herself from laughing too loudly!

"It really is a good opportunity! Congratulations!" Lin Yifan applauded Ye Zi cooperatively.

"Yifan, you come with me too. Anyway, if there is money to be made, I have agreed with Joy, we will be caddy together, work and study!" Ye Zi's biggest characteristic is that besides eating, he also likes to share. Never exclusive!
"I'm going to be a light bulb for you and Joy, or not!" Lin Yifan resolutely refused.

"Oh, look at what you said!" Ye Zi looked shy, "It's embarrassing that I don't know the place where I live, and the golf course is far away, so we can feel more at ease as companions!"

"Handsome guy, I think it's good to get close if there is a chance. Love follows fate, and I'm not afraid of your dazzling eyes, hehe!" Ye Zi's face is full of love, young girl Huaichun, but pure and cute!

They are all roommates in the same dormitory, why is there such a big gap!
Reiko has rarely stayed in the dormitory at night since the yacht party!
Not to mention during the day, people are basically invisible!
Today unexpectedly appeared in the dormitory.

As soon as Lin Yifan and Ye Zi entered the dormitory, they saw Reiko wearing a dress of a certain famous brand, and she was putting on her lipstick proudly.

Momo stood aside enviously.

"Yezi, Yifan, do you know? Reiko is going to be a star!" Momo's tone was very excited!
"Really!" After Ye Zi heard it, she couldn't help being envious.

"That's right, Reiko!" Momo took a special look at Reiko who hadn't seen her for a few days, and her whole demeanor had changed, she was really envious!
That dress must be expensive!
The lipstick in her hand is also four or five hundred!

The cosmetics I use now are all first-line brands, especially the Tiffany on the neck, which really makes Momo blind!
"It's just good luck!" After a long while, Reiko reluctantly uttered a sentence, cast her eyes wantonly, and closed the big-name air cushion BB in her hand out of reach.

"People think that I have a good appearance, so if they don't invite me to shoot, I can't refuse!"

(End of this chapter)

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