Bring home the almighty goddess of the fast crossing system

Chapter 371 Sending you to deal with the big boss

Chapter 371 Sending you to deal with the big boss (16)

"Monkey!" Liu Wei greeted loudly, and the two immediately hooked their shoulders together!

Reiko saw that the monkey was well-dressed, probably the friend Liu Wei wanted to recommend!
"Lingzi, let me introduce you, this is my best buddy!" Liu Wei smiled brightly, with a proud face on his face, "This golf course is owned by Houzi's family!"

When Lingzi heard this, her eyes began to light up, how rich is such a big stadium!

A charming smile immediately appeared on her face, and she couldn't stop her discharge, her voice was also soft and charming, "Hello, handsome guy, I'm Reiko."

Don't forget to laugh a few times after finishing speaking!
"Hey, Weizi, my little girlfriend is pretty!" While the monkey was talking, he still kept his eyes on Lingzi!

This made Reiko's heart beat instantly faster!
An extremely happy mood began to flood!
The monkey's eyes are clearly interested in him!

The corners of her mouth couldn't stop turning up!
"By the way, monkey, what I told you before..." Liu Wei hinted.

"Oh~ easy to talk! Don't you just want to make a small movie or something? I know a lot of director friends!" Monkey's tone sounded as simple as eating a homely meal!
"Besides, Reiko is so beautiful, she must be the heroine! Don't you think so, Reiko!" After the monkey finished speaking, his eyes seemed to look at Reiko with deep meaning!
Reiko immediately burst into laughter, but she didn't want to make it too obvious, so she could only restrain her expression, "Monkey, you can really talk."

"Truth! Truth! Hahaha!" After the monkey finished speaking, he burst into laughter!

"Two shots?" the monkey said to Liu Wei!

"Let's go! It's been a long time since we played!" After saying that, the two walked to the court, and Reiko followed closely behind!
Joy smiled when she heard Ye Zi's words, and said comfortingly, "Don't worry, it won't break anything!"

"Do you want to try it?" Joy raised her head at Ye Zi.

"Playing ball?" Ye Zi's eyes widened. She had only watched such advanced things on TV.

"But I won't!" Ye Zi's small face was a little embarrassed, "Besides, if it is discovered, it will implicate you, so I don't want it!"

Ye Zi hurriedly waved her hand, she has troubled Joy by being here, and she doesn't want to cause other troubles for others.

"It doesn't matter, I'm also an old employee here, and I still have this right." After finishing speaking, Joy handed the club directly to Ye Zi, "I'll teach you!"

"Oh... alright." Ye Zi pursed her lips and snickered. She was really curious about golf, holding the club, her little heart was beating wildly.

"Lingzi, come and play too!" the monkey took the initiative to speak to Lingzi who was standing beside him.

"This..." Reiko's winking eyes flowed, and she was about to say something.

"I'm going to order something to drink, monkey, you play first!" At this moment, Liu Wei walked out of the court and went to the indoor automatic ordering machine.

"It doesn't matter, there is a first time for everything." After finishing speaking, the monkey stuffed the cue stick into Reiko's hand, and seemed to touch her arm unintentionally.

Reiko was startled, and then her heart beat fast, her cheeks were stained with a blush.

"Weizi went to order, I'll teach you first!" The monkey walked up behind Lingzi naturally, and hugged her directly.

"Ah!" Reiko didn't expect the monkey to be so straightforward, so she let out a low cry of fright.

"Your hands are so soft!"


Thanks for the reward, I missed it yesterday, so I added it today!

(End of this chapter)

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