Bring home the almighty goddess of the fast crossing system

Chapter 376 Sending you to deal with the big boss

Chapter 376 Sending you to deal with the big boss (21)

Reiko was suddenly pushed out, not knowing what was wrong, but seeing the attitudes of Liu Wei and Houzi, she dared not speak.

"Quickly apologize!" Monkey's tone became more and more bad now, and he looked at Reiko viciously.

Reiko covered her swollen face, bit her lip, and refused to speak, her face was full of grievances!

"You don't need to apologize to me!" At this moment, Joy, who had been silent all this time, suddenly spoke up!
His tone was unusual, with a cold and noble air!

And his expression didn't change much, he just made people feel shuddering!
"You must apologize, Young Master Tan! You must apologize for doing something wrong!" The monkey was so frightened that his head was sweating profusely.

Tan Zongyao's tone is clearly not giving himself a chance!
Isn't his own family's business going to be over?
Absolutely not, even if you ask yourself to kowtow and kneel today, the monkey will do it without hesitation!

"Hurry up!" Hou Zi gritted his teeth, his eyes almost burst into flames, and Reiko trembled when he saw it!
Lingzi pursed her lips, with a face of reluctance, just about to speak.

"You should apologize to these two!" Tan Zongyao directly interrupted her.

Lingzi understood what Tan Zongyao was referring to, and the boss was even more unwilling.

At this moment, she glanced at Lin Yifan who was standing in front of her, and when she thought that she had to apologize because she had received two slaps for nothing, she was furious.

"Hurry up!" Liu Wei stepped forward and slapped Reiko's shoulder hard.

"I'm sorry." Reiko squeezed out a few words angrily.

"I don't like to make things difficult for others." Tan Zongyao didn't even look at Lingzi, his pupils were cold!

"No embarrassment, no embarrassment!" The monkey immediately put on a doggy smile.

"What's your attitude, why don't you hurry up and apologize, do you want to die!" Monkey walked to Lingzi, threatening in a low voice, completely lost the ambiguous atmosphere just now!
"Hurry up, Lingzi!" Liu Wei also urged, he knew that the man in front of him was definitely not easy to mess with!

"I'm sorry, I was wrong!" Although Lingzi felt aggrieved, she softened her mouth. Faced with the threats from Houzi and Liu Wei, she had to bow her head.

"Young Master Tan, look, Reiko has already apologized, can you hold your hand high and forgive her?" Monkey stood aside humbly.

"Then ask the person who has been wronged if he is willing to forgive her!" Tan Zongyao's words are very clear, the decision rests with Ye Zi and Lin Yifan!
"You two beauties, Reiko has already apologized, do you two adults have a lot?" Monkey still had a flattering smile.

Ye Zi was originally angry, but now she saw a big reversal suddenly, and she was a little overwhelmed, especially when she saw the monkey's flattering attitude, she was too embarrassed to say no!
She looked at Lin Yifan as if asking for help!
"Reiko said that I'm jealous that she has a powerful boyfriend." Lin Yifan said leisurely, with a cold expression on his face.

"Are you her boyfriend?" Lin Yifan deliberately looked at the monkey standing in front of him, his eyes were like whirlpools, like a quagmire, and he sank into them fiercely!

"No, no." Monkey quickly denied it, but at the same time his heart sank, he was attracted by Lin Yifan's beauty and temperament.

"It's you?" Immediately, she put her eyes on Liu Wei!

Liu Wei was extremely nervous!

Now is not the time to be a hero, not to mention Reiko is like a hot potato, he is not stupid!
"No, absolutely not! Reiko and I are just ordinary friends!"

(End of this chapter)

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