Bring home the almighty goddess of the fast crossing system

Chapter 383 Sending you to deal with the big boss

Chapter 383 Sending you to deal with the big boss (29)

The decoration style of this room is very serious!
Mainly dark gray and brown, it looks like a combination of a study and an office~
Didn't you just say it to relax?And so cautious~
Rich people are really different from ordinary people!
Lin Fan held the coffee and waited patiently, but his eyes kept looking around. At the same time, his buttocks were like a little fox, wriggling slightly back and forth restlessly.

After about 2 minutes, Lin Fan only heard the rustling of newspapers being turned.

I'll go, I won't be an old man~
What year are you still reading newspapers?
But within two seconds, Lin Fan was startled!
Her pupils couldn't help dilated, and she began to look at the room more carefully!

Color, style, style!

And the low air pressure she just noticed!
This feeling!
This feeling is obviously...!
"Boss?" Lin Fan's heart couldn't beat at first, her nerves were pulled tight!
The hand holding the coffee cup felt chilly at the fingertips due to nervousness!

What is she expecting?
Why does she feel like this!

How can it be!

Will not!
The baby said that the same person cannot place an order twice!

But this time, it was Xiao Jin who placed the order!

That is to say!

It feels like it might be true!

Lin Fan's heart almost jumped out of his throat!
She couldn't help but took two steps forward, and said again, "Boss, your coffee!"

At this moment, with a creaking sound, the boss chair in front of him slowly turned around!

That second!
Lin Fan felt like his head was about to explode!
Her eyes were fixed on the man on the chair!

who is it!

Who are you!
The newspaper was slowly put down, revealing a pair of bottomless eyes, which directly met Lin Fan's shocked pupils!
Between lightning and flint!

Scenes are like replaying in my mind!

Lin Fan screamed and threw the coffee cup in her hand on the ground. She trembled and couldn't believe what she saw!

Feet back uncontrollably!

And the man on the chair was looking at her expressionlessly!
There was ice-coldness in those eyes, cold air, and alienation.

But there is no familiarity and hotness~!

"Practice secretly~"

Someone is holding a wooden comb, showing off!

"Buy!" A black card suddenly appeared in front of him!

"Yifan, be my girlfriend!" His expression was solemn, his eyes full of pity!
"I'll make you a Little Red Riding Hood too!" The warm breath lingered in my ears!
"Because I'm a big bad wolf!"

Lin Fan's tears flowed down his face!


You can still see him!

The man who made her miss her heart!
He is still alive!

He is still alive!

But at this time, the man on the boss's chair had obvious anger on his face. He frowned slightly as he watched the messy coffee spilled on the carpet!

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry!" Lin Fan hurried to tidy up, but her panicked hands kept shaking, and she just couldn't pick up the glass that fell on the floor!
"Get out!" A tone without any emotion!

It's icy cold!

Her body froze instantly!
When she looked up, the familiar person had already turned around and ignored her!
why? !

The trembling in Lin Fan's pupils seemed to set off a tsunami!
She ran out of the room in a hurry, and the sea breeze blew her nerves down a little bit!

"Why didn't you tell me that the big boss's surname is Lu!!!"


Thanks to Super Ai Curly, Shi Tianfeng gave a reward, the two of them competed with each other, and they had a lot of fun~
(End of this chapter)

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