Bring home the almighty goddess of the fast crossing system

Chapter 386 Sending you to deal with the big boss

Chapter 386 Sending you to deal with the big boss (32)

The man in front of him had a chill that was visible to the naked eye, and his eyes were deep and cold, looking at the girl hiding behind the curtain, there was no fluctuation in his heart!

He walked straight out of the room!
In less than a second, two bodyguard brothers at the door walked in aggressively!

After looking at it for a long time, I realized that there was a small bag protruding from the curtain. The person who came had a serious expression on his face. Afterwards, he opened the curtain ruthlessly, and one person and one arm lifted Lin Fan up!
"What are you doing~"


"You hurt people~"

This delicate voice made the bodyguard's brother sweat profusely, and his footsteps sped up in an instant!

The two looked at each other, put Lin Fan down lightly, turned and left with a cold expression on their faces!

What did Boss Lu order just now?
Did he mean to throw that woman out!
It's a pity that all sentient beings have a heart of sympathy and sympathy, so how can this delicate and delicate body be repaired if it is thrown out and broken!
"You two big bastards!"


Lin Fan put his waist down and looked at the backs of the two stalwarts. Although he was angry on his face, his tone was coquettish!
The elder brother of the bodyguard said, hurry up, slip away with oil on the soles of your feet!

After Lu Mingcheng returned to the room, he looked at the curtains that had returned to normal, and unconsciously frowned!
His eyes were deep, as if he was thinking about something!
There was a sudden sharp pain in the brain!
He hurriedly found the medicine from the drawer.

Since the car accident, he seems to have forgotten something important!

But every time I think about it, it will cause a strong stimulation of the brain.

He looked at the closed door, and the air pressure in his body suddenly dropped!
That woman just now!
Why does it feel familiar!

But he was sure he had never seen her!

A slow and low panting sound came out slowly from Boss Lu's high bridge of nose, and he actually lay down on the crumpled bed without disgust!
What is it!
who is it!

He looked to his side!

A vague figure appeared in memory, but the severe pain that followed instantly shattered that figure!
Lu Mingcheng slowly closed his eyes and stopped thinking about it.

"Think I can't do anything if I throw this fairy out?"

"Hmph! Mortals!"

Lin Fan twisted Xiao Man's waist, and walked to where Xiao Jin was.

"Xiao Jin~" Lin Fan had just stepped into the room when a soft voice penetrated into Xiao Jin's ears.

"I'm here, Sister Daji~" Xiao Jin unconsciously called out the title he thought he had in mind!
In an instant, Xiao Jin's cheeks were hot, and he looked embarrassed!
Lin Fan looked charmingly at this little assistant who appeared to be honest and friendly on the surface, his eyes fluttered, and he twisted his waist and walked in front of Xiao Jin, "Sister Daji?"

"Slip of the tongue, slip of the tongue, Miss Lin, don't get me wrong." After Xiao Jin finished speaking, he grabbed two handfuls of hair vigorously, feeling very embarrassed!
"No problem! I like this title very much, it suits me very much~" Lin Fan just stood in front of Xiao Jin honestly, so he didn't dare to look up at him!
"The big boss has never been close to women, so his reaction just now was already very kind. I hope sister Daji will not lose heart and continue to work hard!" Xiao Jin said in a seemingly reassuring and encouraging way.

"Naturally, you tell me, what is Boss Lu's plan for today~"


Thanks to Sichenmengyu, Baige, Wanwan, and Binghunxuepo for their rewards!
Thank you Shi Tianfeng, I love curly hair so much, and the two rewarded three times in a row!
The order of the names is arranged according to the reward time~
(End of this chapter)

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