Bring home the almighty goddess of the fast crossing system

Chapter 390 Sending you to deal with the big boss

Chapter 390 Sending you to deal with the big boss (36)

"Lively?" Lin Fan rolled a pair of winking eyes, slender fingers stirred the long hair in front of him, and the corners of his mouth were raised evilly, "Okay, I like lively~"

"I knew Sister Daji would definitely save face, so let's see you tonight!" After finishing speaking, Xiao Jin was about to turn around and leave!

"Wait, does the big boss know about this party?" Lin Fan called Xiao Jin to stop him.

"Probably... I don't know." Xiao Jin said hesitantly, "He's the CEO, he's different from ordinary people like us, and President Lu doesn't seem to like excitement."

"Well, I got it, go get busy~" Lin Fan waved his hand, and Xiao Jin happily floated away~
The sunset on the sea is like an orange phantom of love, warm and full of fantasy!
After dinner, Lu Mingcheng came to the plywood, his tall and straight figure reclined in the wicker chair, very leisurely!

The sea breeze is blowing, it is cool and refreshing~
He rested his chin on one hand and looked at the sparkling light reflected on the waves. He was in a good mood!

It's just that he has been sitting here for a long time, how could the person who should appear has not yet appeared!

Lu Mingcheng was subconsciously expecting a certain petite figure to dangle in front of his eyes~
At this time, the bottom floor of the luxury cruise ship is very lively!
The sounds of various musical instruments are intertwined, creating a jubilant scene!

It is in sharp contrast to the elegant music of those high-end pianists upstairs!

Everyone's face is full of joy and joy!
Xiao Jin also changed out of the neat suit and put on comfortable casual clothes.

As for Lin Fan, he was wearing a long fabric dress at this time, and his seaweed-like long hair was randomly braided. He looked like a little rural princess, cozy and comfortable~
Xiao Jin's eyes were always staring at Lin Fan!

At the next few tables, everyone sat around casually. The table was full of wine glasses. Everyone's complexion was extremely happy and ruddy, as if they were celebrating something happy!
Lu Mingcheng tapped aimlessly on his knee, once, twice, three or four times!

A little boring!

He looked back at the entrance of the cabin, it was pitch black, and there was no trace to be found!

Seagulls roam the sea in groups and make a few calls from time to time.

On the huge deck, Lu Mingcheng was alone at this moment, it seemed a little lonely!
He just got up!
Although the people living at the bottom are hard, they all have one thing in common, that is, enthusiasm and good communication. At this time, no matter whether they recognize each other or not, everyone can quickly get along with each other!
"Let's dance!" A clear voice sounded, and everyone got up to join in!
After a while, everyone formed a circle, looked at each other from left to right, and sent each other smiling faces!
Everyone kicked and turned around, and everyone around them enthusiastically joined in when the circle turned around them!
Of course Lin Fan is no exception!

She hadn't been this happy in a long time!
Xiao Jin was even more enthusiastic, but he chose the position next to Lin Fan, he could hook arms with the beauty, Xiao Jin would have sweet dreams tonight~
The moment Lu Mingcheng pushed open the door, his footsteps suddenly stopped!
Isn't it a little quiet today!
The staff who used to stand guard on the splint are gone!
"Where have everyone gone?"

He spoke suddenly, his tone was cold!

The bodyguard trembled in fright!
"Report to Mr. Lu, there is a staff party tonight, and they should all be at the bottom."

"Should I call them all back?"


Thanks to Ice Soul and Snow Soul, few stars in the morning, Nanasheng gave a reward!
(End of this chapter)

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