Bring home the almighty goddess of the fast crossing system

Chapter 394 Sending you to deal with the big boss

Chapter 394 Sending you to deal with the big boss (40)

When he hugged Lin Fan into his arms, his whole heart suddenly felt full!
After the car accident, he always felt that something was missing, but there was no trace!
At this moment, Lin Fan looked very well-behaved, with a pink and delicate side face, tightly pressed against Lu Mingcheng's chest, breathing warmly through Lu Mingcheng's clothes, and hitting his skin lightly!
Why does this feeling seem familiar!
Lu Mingcheng frowned unconsciously!

"Open the door!" The cold and arrogant voice!

The bodyguard saw that Lu Mingcheng was hugging Lin Fan himself, his eyes froze behind the sunglasses, and he quickly opened the door.

Afterwards, a feeling of envy and jealousy welled up in my heart. Sure enough, all the beauties belonged to the big boss!

Lu Mingcheng gently placed Lin Fan on the big bed, but he couldn't straighten his bent waist.

Because, a certain naughty little fox's arms were tightly hooked around the neck of the big boss, and he refused to let go!

Lu Mingcheng had no choice but to raise his hand to pull it away.

"Hmm~" With a low murmur, the little guy was unhappy, and pursed his mouth, pink and tender, very cute!
"Don't make trouble!" Lu Mingcheng's tone was very light, without the slightest bit of blame, without the slightest bit of impatience, and even enjoying the feeling of being tightly hooked!
Just then, the phone rang!
Lu Mingcheng took his phone out of his trouser pocket as quickly as possible, for fear of disturbing the little person on the bed.

Fortunately, Lin Fan was not disturbed.

"President Lu?" Liu Ping on the other end of the phone opened his mouth weakly when he saw that Lu Mingcheng hadn't spoken for a long time.

"Hmm!" He wanted to leave, but he was still firmly hooked, but he had no choice but to keep his appearance and answer the phone.

After Liu Ping heard Lu Mingcheng's voice, he began to report.

"Lin Fan, he was sent by Mr. Jia. I'm sorry Mr. Lu, I was the one who overlooked!" Liu Ping reported in fear.

"Continue!" Lu Mingcheng's voice was very soft!
Liu Ping on the opposite side unconsciously lowered his voice, "I can't find Mr. Lu, and there is no trace of Lin Fan. It seems like he just appeared out of thin air!"

"It's like this again!" Lu Mingcheng's breathing suddenly became deep, which made Liu Ping tremble all over!
After Lu Mingcheng woke up from a coma in a car accident, he immediately sent Liu Ping to find out who the woman who attended the wrap-up banquet with him that night was!
Strange to say, Liu Ping just couldn't find any information, even, he had no impression of that woman at all!

Just like this time, there is no trace!

Liu Ping began to doubt his ability...

If this continues, I'm afraid I will be expelled...

"That... President Lu, I will continue to investigate!" Liu Ping's voice was clearly panicked.

"You..." Just as Lu Mingcheng opened his mouth, he felt a strain on his neck!
His own lips ruthlessly stuck to the soft lips in front of him!




"President Lu?" Liu Ping was at a loss, why did he stop talking all of a sudden!

Panicked one!
"I'm sorry, Mr. Lu, I'll check it out right away!"

"I'm sure to find out where this woman came from!"

"Even if I dig three feet into the ground, I will find out her information!"

"President Lu, give me another chance!"

On the phone, Liu Ping's voice was chattering non-stop!

But Lu Mingcheng's thoughts were completely attracted by the magnified face in front of him, and his mind went blank, unable to think!
Tap your finger and hang up!

Thank you Blank` for rewarding in the future!

(End of this chapter)

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