Bring home the almighty goddess of the fast crossing system

Chapter 396 Sending you to deal with the big boss

Chapter 396 Sending you to deal with the big boss (44)

Her outstretched arms were trembling in anger, and her face turned blue!
"I only listen to Boss Lu's orders~" Lin Fan spread his hands, expressing that she is also very helpless~
"Brother Cheng, let this woman out quickly!" Xiao Yishuang stomped his feet angrily, but there was obviously a coquettish element in his voice.

"Cough!" Lu Mingcheng clenched his good-looking hand into an empty fist, put it to his mouth and pretended to clear his throat, and when he turned his head, his tone was gentle, "What did you prepare for breakfast?"

Xiao Yishuang was petrified on the spot!
Is this still the Lu Mingcheng she knew?
He obviously hates this kind of pretentious woman the most!

Lin Fan clasped his hands together, shrugged his small shoulders, and said in a delicate tone, "It's all your favorite food!"

Said, brought up the same thing

"This is banana cheese!"

"This is crystal shrimp dumpling!"

"And this, I made it myself, cookies~" After finishing speaking, Lin Fan mischievously winked at Lu Mingcheng!
Xiao Yishuang just watched Lin Fan showing off in front of him!

"Why is there no porridge, Brother Cheng must have porridge in the morning!" She tried her best to suppress the urge to tear the slut in front of her into pieces!

"Of course!" Lin Fan raised his hand, and naturally blocked the porridge that Xiao Yishuang handed over~
"Yam porridge~replenish Mr. Lu~" That expression was extremely ambiguous, and there was a hot electric current in those eyes!

Seeing Xiao Yishuang gritted his teeth!
This expression is clearly saying, what is there between them!
It was mainly due to Lu Mingcheng's reaction, he didn't look impatient at all, and there was even a hint of a smile on the corner of his mouth!
how so!
Xiao Yishuang's pink fist was tightly clenched, and the nails were embedded in the flesh!
Of course, this is not the end!
I saw that Lin Fan picked up the bowl of yam porridge, scooped a spoonful, put it near his mouth, pursed his delicate lips and blew it gently!

Immediately, she bent her upper body, raised her buttocks, and handed the spoonful of freshly blown porridge to Lu Mingcheng's mouth~
Xiao Yishuang couldn't believe his eyes!

She even thought she was hallucinating!

No matter how coquettish she is to please her, she can't be this pretentious!
Especially when her eyes fell on Lin Fan's perky buttocks, the swaying seemed to be like a sao fox!

Lu Mingcheng really felt that he underestimated the woman in front of him!
And those big innocent eyes with electric waves are staring at me at this moment, as if hoping that I can drink the spoonful of porridge she handed over~
"Open your mouth~" A numb voice came out of those pink lips!
Xiao Yishuang couldn't take it anymore!
Her goosebumps fell all over the floor!
She was about to explode in place!

How could there be such a shameless woman!

Unheard of!


She needs to calm down!
"Brother Cheng, I have something else to do, so let's go first!" Xiao Yishuang immediately glared at Lin Fan, turned his head and left quickly!

The door was slammed shut!

Lin Fan looked at the disappearing figure, and slowly stood up straight with an evil smile on his face!
Fighting with the old lady, you almost practiced!

"Huh!" An extremely soft hum came into Lu Mingcheng's ears.

"So, you just did it for her to see?"

"You don't really want to feed me?"

Boss Lu's complexion darkened visibly to the naked eye!

With that stern jaw, he wished he could poke a certain little one to death!
"I've been bending over for a long time, I'm very sore~" After Lin Fan finished speaking, he sat down on Lu Mingcheng's lap.

"Ah~" With a soft breath, he handed over the spoon in his hand!


Thank you Shi Tianfeng for the four consecutive rewards, and thank you for the super love curly hair for the seven consecutive rewards!

(End of this chapter)

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