Bring home the almighty goddess of the fast crossing system

Chapter 400 Sending you to deal with the big boss

Chapter 400 Sending you to deal with the big boss (48)

"Singer?" Lin Fan rolled his charming big eyes, watching Xiao Jin fascinated.

"This Xiao Yishuang wants to sing?" Lin Fan asked guessing.

"No, it is said that she has learned dance since she was a child, and it seems that she wants to dance~" Xiao Jin's voice was extremely gentle, and she must do her best to the fairy sister!

"Dancing?" Lin Fanyu rubbed her delicate chin with her white fingertips.

"Do you know what song it is~" Lin Fan gave Xiao Jin a look, which immediately made him fascinated.

"It seems to be the one in "A Chinese Journey to the West"~" Xiao Jin thought about it, and suddenly began to sing, "The sea of ​​bitterness~turn up love and hate~"

Xiao Jin closed his eyes, looking very intoxicated!

"There used to be a sincere love in front of me. I didn't cherish it. I regretted it when I lost it!" Xiao Jin covered his chest like a playwright, very affectionate, and closed his eyes with pain. .

"If God can give me another chance, I will say three words to that girl!" Xiao Jin suddenly opened his eyes, looked at Lin Fan fixedly, and said very affectionately, "I love you~"

It made Lin Fan chuckle, and said coquettishly, "Look at your stupid look~"

"If I have to add a time limit to this love, I hope it will be..." Before Xiao Jin could finish speaking, Lin Fan punched her in the face!
"Brat, don't be poor!" Lin Fan suddenly lowered his voice, put his pink lips close to Xiao Jin's ear, and whispered.

"Hmm! Hmm! Hmmm!" Xiao Jinbian nodded while listening, his eyes cooperating from time to time, surprised for a while, and agreed for a while, so exciting~
"As expected of sister Daji!" Xiao Jin gave a thumbs up, with admiration in his eyes, "Tall! It's really tall!"

"Then I'll wait for your good news~" After finishing speaking, Lin Fan twisted his legs and left.

Looking at the back, Xiao Jin couldn't help but say again, "If I have to add a time limit to this love, I hope it will be 1 years!"

"Sister Daji, I'm afraid I can only confess my love to you in this way~" Xiaojin's nose soured, and his facial features instantly wrinkled together!
My heart is filled with regret!
In my next life, I will also be the big boss!

At the beginning, the cruise was scheduled for three days, Lu Mingcheng just wanted to go out to see the sea, and look for memories by the way!

But who would have expected that the seemingly ordinary three days would become interesting because of the sudden appearance of a person!
It was just the sunrise, but now the sunset is coming!
At this moment, Lu Mingcheng was sitting on the rattan chair on the splint, thinking, whether the three-day parade was too hasty!
How about an extra month!

"Guess who I am?" That naughty and delicate voice appeared behind Lu Mingcheng at some point, and at this moment, those tender little hands covered Lu Mingcheng's eyes again.

The corners of his mouth couldn't stop turning up!

Because he was thinking about her, and she just appeared!

Lu Mingcheng directly held Lin Fan's arm with his broad palm, and pulled her into his arms with all his strength.

At the bottom of those eyes, there seemed to be a surge of emotion, deep and seductive, and Lin Fan's heart beat faster when he looked at it.

"Why are you looking at me like that!" Lin Fan blushed unconsciously.

"Then how should I look at you? Huh?" A deep nasal voice, with Lu Mingcheng's pampering aura, rushed towards my face!

"I found that you are getting worse and worse!" Lin Fan didn't dare to look directly at the man who was hugging him.

Because, rejoice!
Because, shy!
Because, that irrepressible heartbeat!

Thanks fu su for the reward!

(End of this chapter)

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