Bring home the almighty goddess of the fast crossing system

Chapter 405 Sending you to deal with the big boss

Chapter 405 Sending you to deal with the big boss (53)

Xiao Yishuang was punching and kicking in the dressing room, she had no idea what was going on!
Don't be impatient!
She also counted on using this dance to please Lu Mingcheng!
How can it be destroyed!

But right now, there is obviously music on the stage!

Could it be that someone deliberately kicked himself out of power?
Thinking of this, Xiao Yishuang kicked a few more times.

It's a pity that the door is always harder than the feet. After a few feet, the door didn't move at all, but it made me feel excruciatingly painful!

"anyone there?"

"Come on!"

Xiao Yishuang shouted vigorously, but the response was silence.

About two hours later, Xiao Jin woke up as if he had just woken up from a dream. He looked around and wiped away the dry tears on his face!

At this moment, he was the only one left in the empty lobby!


Suddenly, he thought of Xiao Yishuang who was locked in the dressing room by himself!

Xiao Jin sneaked to the direction of the dressing room!

Seeing that there was no one in the front and back, I let go of my courage and walked over!
He deliberately made some noise!
Xiao Yishuang was trembling in the dressing room at this time, when he heard movement outside the door, he quickly got up, knocked hard, and said, "Help!"

"anyone there?"

"Come on people!"

After Xiao Jin heard it, he pretended to be anxious and asked, "Who's in there?"

"It's me, Xiao Yishuang!" Xiao Yishuang burst into tears when he heard that someone finally came to save him.

"Miss Xiao? Why are you in there?" Xiao Jin still had a titter on his face at this moment!

"Don't worry, I'll find the key and I'll be here right away!" After saying that, Xiao Jin pretended to run away, intentionally making the sound of footsteps deep and urgent, so that Xiao Yishuang inside could hear it!
He ran around the corridor, stood there for a while, and then came running back, "Miss Xiao, I brought the key!"

After a while, I only heard the sound of the key being inserted into the lockhole!

The door is open!
Xiao Yishuang's face was weeping, and the whole makeup was blurred, so there was no beauty at all!
Xiao Jin held back his smile, and quickly supported Xiao Yishuang's arm, "Miss Xiao, let me take you back to your room."

"Yeah!" Xiao Yishuang nodded wildly, she was trembling all over at this moment, that dressing room was really cold, she was wearing light clothes, it would be freezing cold!
"By the way, Miss Xiao, why are you locked up?" Xiao Jin asked knowingly, trying to find out if Xiao Yishuang knew who locked her up.

"I don't know either. I was going to dance, but I was suddenly carried here." Xiao Yishuang's teary eyes were full of grievances.

"By the way, there is a surveillance video here. You can check it later. I must teach this person a lesson!" Xiao Yishuang gritted his teeth, wishing to throw the person who caused her into the sea to feed the sharks!
Xiao Jin was shocked, "No problem, this matter is on me, don't worry~"

After Xiao Jin sent Xiao Yishuang back, he immediately ran to the monitoring room. Fortunately, Xiao Yishuang reminded that this video must be destroyed!
Xiao Jin praised his wit!

I just don't know what sister Daji is doing now~
On the plywood!
Every star is so dazzling and bright!

Lin Fan and Lu Mingcheng were wrapped under a blanket, sitting on a wicker chair, looking up at the sky!

"This rattan chair is very nice!" Looking at it, Lin Fan remembered the one that Lu Mingcheng made for her in the garden.

"I really wanted to have one here, so I did it." Lu Mingcheng couldn't say why, but he just liked the feeling of sitting on the rattan chair!
(End of this chapter)

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