Bring home the almighty goddess of the fast crossing system

Chapter 414 Sending you to deal with the big boss

Chapter 414 Sending you to deal with the big boss (63)

When Lu Mingcheng dragged Lin Fan to the center of the lobby, romantic music played slowly~
At this time, everyone finds their own partner, hugs and dances together!

The light in the entire lobby becomes softer, making the atmosphere more romantic and warm~
Lu Mingcheng held Lin Fan tightly in his arms, and asked in a low voice, "Do you like it?"

"Like~" Lin Fan was completely filled with happiness at this moment.

Be it in your head or your heart!

They were all filled with surprises and romance brought by Lu Mingcheng!

The corners of her mouth were bent into the largest and most beautiful arc, and her head was lightly resting on Lu Mingcheng's shoulder, just like when she was in the room, following Lu Mingcheng's steps, dancing gently and slowly to the music.

At this time, in addition to the soft music, there was only the sound of everyone's footsteps moving gently in the lobby, so that when the familiar prompt sounded in Lin Fan's mind.

It looks so sharp and abrupt!

"Ding! The system prompts that your task has been completed!"

Lin Fan raised his head in panic!
It’s not that the three-day yacht tour has not yet expired, so how could the task be ended early?
Could it be? ? ?

"You have already signed the contract?" Lin Fan's eyes were full of astonishment!

Lu Mingcheng looked at that delicate little face upon hearing the sound.

With a gentle smile on the corner of his mouth, he gently pressed Lin Fan's head on his shoulder again, and said in a low and gentle tone, "What my wife told you must be done!"

So, Lu Mingcheng has signed the contract!
Lin Fan didn't know whether to be happy or sad!
Lu Mingcheng loves her so much that he can condescend to sign even a contract that he doesn't like!
But what he didn't know was that once the task was completed, it was time for her to leave!
Time suddenly became urgent!

As a result, Lin Fan's heartbeat continued to speed up!
She didn't want Lu Mingcheng to watch her disappear suddenly, it was simply too terrifying!

She would rather run away!

But in this situation, how could Lin Fan be willing to leave!

Lu Mingcheng held her hand tightly in his palm, the strength and temperature were just right.

What excuse would she use to escape?

And at this moment, the crystal lamp directly above her was crumbling!

The lamp suddenly wobbled!

Thousands of crystals on it collided continuously, making clanking noises!

At first, no one paid attention to it, it was just that the cruise ship hit a wave!
But when the crisp impact grew bigger and bigger, everyone started to slow down!

But in an instant, the huge crystal chandelier suddenly fell!

And Lin Fan and Lu Mingcheng happened to be directly below!

Lin Fan pushed Lu Mingcheng out without hesitation, just like Lu Mingcheng pushed her away in a car accident!
"Lin Fan!" Lu Mingcheng's intoxicated thoughts were suddenly scattered, and he saw the huge crystal lamp smashed like that petite body!
The whole yacht shook!
Countless broken crystals are scattered all over the place!
Everyone screamed one after another, and they all ran away.

As for Xiao Yishuang, she stared at the broken crystal lamp, and let out a horrible and triumphant laugh.

She made it!

She successfully made Lin Fan leave Lu Mingcheng!

Looking at the pile of ruins, Xiao Yishuang concluded that Lin Fan's life was at stake, and even if he lived, he would become disabled!
Who will go on loving a cripple?
Ordinary people can't be more affectionate than gold, let alone Lu Mingcheng, a legend in the business world!

And at the moment when the crystal lamp fell on Lin Fan, there was a whirlwind, and Lin Fan returned to the golf course!


Thank you for your 34 consecutive rewards today, thank you for your support and love!Add another chapter for you, arrange it now, wait for me!
 Farewell, just for the next reunion!
(End of this chapter)

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