Bring home the almighty goddess of the fast crossing system

Chapter 422 Fragrance infused with the soul [4 more]

Chapter 422 The Fragrance Infused into the Soul (9) [Fourth Change]

"You are amazing, ah~ dead ghost~" Reiko's breath was knocked intermittently by the monkey.

The two entangled in the toilet for a long time before letting go of each other.

Reiko put on her clothes in a twitchy manner, looked at the satisfied monkey, and said with a bit of grievance in her voice, "I'm going back, I've been away for too long, Liu Wei will find me~"

At this time, the monkey still thought about it, seeing Reiko's affectation, pressed her against the wall and kissed her hard, and then let her go.

Reiko looked at the monkey with eyes full of reluctance, and said in a coquettish voice, "You promised him, don't go back on it~"

"Don't worry!" Monkey had a smirk on his face, and then took out a card and stuffed it into Reiko's underwear.

"Wu Cheng~" Reiko looked at the name on the card, it was marked that the position was the general manager, and there was a series of phone numbers below, and she felt more at ease.

"Call me back!" Monkey patted Reiko's butt, turned around and walked out of the men's room.

Reiko simply took a look in the mirror, took out her lipstick, and leisurely patched up her clothes. When she saw the faintly visible marks on her chest, the corners of her mouth turned up, feeling that she was full of charm!

When she returned to the booth, she found that Liu Wei had already passed out from drinking. She pushed Liu Wei in disgust, but when she found that he didn't respond, she rolled her eyes.

Immediately, Reiko sat on the sofa and saved the number on the card into her mobile phone.

She looked at the string of numbers, her eyes sparkled, and the pride on her face was beyond words!
She knew that with her own charm, she would definitely be able to get involved in the entertainment industry, and she would be able to shine and become a first-line actress in a short time!
Just when she was happily thinking about the future, her cell phone rang suddenly.

It was a series of unfamiliar numbers, and Lingzi was overjoyed, thinking that the monkey had called, but when she picked it up, the smile on her face froze, "Is it Miss Lingzi?"

"I am, you are...?" With that anticipation, Reiko listened to the voice on the other end of the phone with excitement. She thought that a big director had come to invite her!

"I hope you can send out the apology post on time. There is still one hour before 12 o'clock. I will remind you every half hour!" The voice over there was emotionless, even cold. Here, I heard a kind of contempt and cynicism!
Her face turned dark all of a sudden, and she grabbed the phone with her fingertips fiercely, the resentment in her eyes was unspeakable!
After hanging up, her chest heaved with anger for a long time before she reluctantly logged into the campus post bar with her mobile phone.

She applied for a trumpet, and after a few words, she sent it out hastily!
In less than three seconds, her cell phone rang again, it was the strange number just now.

This time Reiko's voice was a little impatient, "Hello?"

"Miss Lingzi, I think you have some misunderstandings about the apology post, and you are using a new account, which shows that you are not sincere enough!" The voice over there was still cold and emotionless, with a warning in his words.

Reiko didn't dare to answer, and guessed the identity of the caller in her heart.

"I'm Young Master Tan's man!" And the other end of the phone seemed to be able to guess her mind, this sentence made Reiko's heart skip a beat!
"If you don't know how to write apology posts, I'll send a few to your phone for your reference!" The voice over there didn't give Reiko a chance to breathe!

"I hope you can finish on time as agreed, and I will call to remind you every day!"

(End of this chapter)

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