Bring home the almighty goddess of the fast crossing system

Chapter 424 Fragrance infused with the soul [6 more]

Chapter 424 Injecting the fragrance of the soul (11) [six more]

Reiko had to go back to school for the mock exam this afternoon!
As expected, as soon as she stepped into the campus, she attracted a lot of eyes, most of them were looking at jokes!
"Lingzi." He was suddenly stopped by a voice, and after a closer look, it was Song Cui.

When she walked up to Lingzi, her eyes were full of envy. Looking at Lingzi's brand-name clothes, bags, and jewelry, Song Cui's eyeballs almost fell out.

"Lingzi, I haven't seen you for a long time." Song Cui straddled Lingzi's arm directly, pretending to miss you very much.

"What have you been up to lately? Are you really going to be a star?" Song Cui's envious tone made Lingzi feel quite comfortable.

Originally, I thought that today I could only suffer the eyes and ridicule of my classmates, but I didn't expect Song Cui to be an exception.

"I'm going to make a movie later." Reiko said with a smile on her face in a natural and casual way.

Hearing Song Cui's envy, she said, "Lingzi, you are so amazing, you will be really popular in the future, don't forget about sisters!"

"Okay." Reiko cast a sidelong glance at Song Cui, with a proud look on her face.

At this time, approaching the classroom, I could already meet familiar classmates, and everyone began to point and point.

"Lingzi, I know there must be some misunderstandings in that letter of apology." Song Cui immediately said flatteringly, completely standing on Lingzi's standpoint.

"What happened, can you tell me?" Song Cui deliberately lowered her voice.

Reiko frowned, her face was not very good-looking.

"Lingzi, don't you believe me? Usually we have such a good relationship, you have to tell me what's going on so that I can help you talk!" Song Cui's words calmed Lingzi's mood a little.

"Everyone is chasing rumors. Looking at the comments that scold you, I feel sorry for you. I want to say a few words for you, but I don't know how to speak." Song Cui continued to speak, seeing that Lingzi's face obviously eased a lot.

"What else can happen, isn't it just that he is a big money on the list, and I don't like it!" Reiko looked at her new manicure and said angrily.

"Sugar daddy?" Song Cui lifted up the black resin frame, her eyes gleaming.

"You mean Lin Yifan's sugar daddy?" Song Cui asked back.

"Isn't it?" Reiko rolled her eyes disdainfully after finishing speaking.

"But I saw her and senior Lu Qi walking forward, so I thought they could have a show!" Song Cui muttered.

"Lu Qi?" Reiko was no longer so surprised when she heard this name, after all, Lu Qi was no longer good enough for her.

"That's right, I always see Lu Qi giving Lin Yifan a small talk in the art troupe's classroom." Song Cui said this with a bit of sourness.

Lingzi immediately saw that Song Cui was interested in Lu Qi.

"It's just that Lu Qi couldn't see through Lin Yifan's essence, and he posted it up stupidly. It's you, you usually help Lu Qi a lot in the art troupe. It stands to reason that the longer you two spend together, Lu Qi should be more. I just like you!" Reiko said suggestively, looking at Song Cui's obviously reddened cheeks, winking.

"Lingzi, you are really good at joking, how could Lu Qi like me!" Song Cui said, and touched her face shyly. She had an ordinary appearance, and she really didn't dare to compare Lu Qi.

"That's because Lu Qi doesn't know that Lin Yifan is a cousin. If he knows, he will naturally change his gender. Then you will have a chance!" Lingzi's words are very tempting to Song Cui!
(End of this chapter)

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