Bring home the almighty goddess of the fast crossing system

Chapter 427 Fragrance infused with the soul [9 more]

Chapter 427 The Fragrance Infused into the Soul (14) [Nine More]

Two days later, the first round of auditions for the top ten singers!
The auditorium is packed with people!

Almost all the students in the school came to watch!

Ye Zi and Lin Yifan also came to the scene early!

"Everyone be quiet! Be quiet!" The host walked to the stage and said loudly with a microphone!
In an instant, the noisy auditorium fell silent.

"Today is the first round of the 'Top Ten Singers' audition. We are divided into three groups, and each group will select ten people to enter the second round!"

"Now, everyone find their groups according to the list on the screen!" At this time, the list has been played on the big screen!

"Yifan, you are in the third group." Ye Zi looked at the name on the big screen, and pulled Lin Yifan to the third group.

"Yifan, don't be nervous, you will definitely be able to advance!" Ye Zi comforted Lin Yifan, but in fact he was the most nervous one!
Although, she just came to cheer Lin Yifan up~
At this moment, the first group of contestants has begun to perform on stage one after another!

Everyone's attention was drawn to the past.

"Hi everyone, my name is Wang Peng, and I'm from the Department of Electronic Engineering." The boy looked nervous.

He took a deep breath before opening his mouth slowly, "The shaking red wine glass, the lips seem to be stained with blood~"

"That unusual beauty, unforgivable sin~"

The boy sang very flatly, and because he was too nervous, he was judged to stop after singing a few words.

He stepped off the stage in frustration!

"Yifan, don't be nervous for a while." Ye Zi looked at Wang Peng who was acting abnormally, and quickly comforted Lin Yifan beside him.

"Okay, you should relax too." Lin Yifan looked at Ye Zi, whose palms were sweating nervously, with a smile on his face.

Soon the performance of the first group was over, and the second group of contestants began to take the stage.

This classmate was even more powerful. He just opened his mouth, but forgot what he was going to sing, and ran off the stage crying!

The judges shook their heads and drew an X on the notebook.

Unexpectedly, when Ding Junren ran over, "Yifan, don't be nervous for a while, you will definitely advance!"

Ding Junren stared at Lin Yifan unabashedly, even if he was beaten up in swimming class last time, so what!
That couldn't stop him from wanting to pursue Lin Yifan!
"Where's your Lulu?" Ye Zi gave Ding Junren a white look, especially contemptuous of his flattery.

"When did that happen? I only have Yifan in my heart now!" Ding Junren said without blushing or beating heart.

Hearing that, Ye Zi felt nauseous.

"Yifan, you must be promoted, and I have to apologize to you in front of the whole school! Don't worry, I will apologize to you very sincerely!" Ding Junren's face was full of anticipation, as if that was not an apology , I want to confess!

"Okay, the next classmate please come on stage!"

"Ding Junren!" The host called out his name.

Ding Jun ran up happily.

"Hello everyone, my name is Ding Junren. Today, I want to dedicate this song to the girl I like. It just so happens that she also came to the scene today!" Ding Junren's words immediately caused a commotion!
His gaze fell directly on Lin Yifan in the audience, causing everyone to look over him.

"Isn't this person Lin Yifan?"

"Why is she here too?"

"Don't you need to serve the big boss?"

Immediately, a burst of discussion sounded!

The most topical queen on campus, suddenly became the focus of everyone's discussion.

"If she can advance, sows can climb trees!"

(End of this chapter)

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