Bring home the almighty goddess of the fast crossing system

Chapter 430 Fragrance infused with the soul [2 more]

Chapter 430 Fragrance Infused into the Soul (17) [Twelve More]

"Happiness begins to have omens~"

"Fate brings us closer~"

"Then the loneliness was swallowed~"

"Being bored becomes something to talk about~"

"There has been a change~"

Lulu sang affectionately, her big eyes filled with tears, and she kept staring at Ding Junren in the audience.

"Singing really well!"

"I think she will definitely advance!"

"It's a pity that the eyes are not very good, tsk tsk tsk~"

There were many discussions in the audience, some praised and some sympathized.

"Hmph! Some people are really shameless! They specialize in snatching other people's boyfriends!"

"Look at our Lulu, she is beautiful, and she can sing beautifully. Is she incomparable? Cut!"

"It's embarrassing to be tone-deficient. I'm afraid everyone doesn't know her?"

This time, the girl who accompanied Lulu stood aside and taunted her like singing a double reed.

The judges looked at Lulu with admiration in their eyes. After Lulu finished singing, they even praised her a few words before letting her step down!
Now, Lulu is full of confidence and proud!
"Lulu, you are awesome!"

"It's definitely no problem to advance!"

As soon as Lu Lu stepped off the stage, the girls who accompanied her surrounded her and said, "That Lin Yifan will definitely lose badly!"

After hearing this, Lu Lu was in a good mood. She walked up to Lin Yifan, raised her face, and said in a tone full of disdain, "Lin Yifan, it's too late for you to give up now!"

She didn't believe that after Lin Yifan came on stage and sang with that broken voice, Ding Junren would still be so addicted to her!

"How about this, let's make another bet!" Lin Yifan opened his mouth, his brows raised easily, his eyes seemed to be shrouded in mist~
She looked at the girl in front of her with great interest, her eyes glistening.

"If I can sing better than you, every time you see me in the future, you have to bend over at [-] degrees and say loudly to me, I'm sorry I'm so ugly to you~" Lin Yifan covered his mouth and chuckled, then The posture is charming and sexy, and there is obviously a touch of fox spirit floating in the bottom of the seductive eyes~
Even her voice was unusual and even more emotional!

At this moment, Ding Junren, who had been staring at her, was dazzled and intoxicated~
It seems that Dinggoupi is destined to be irresistible~
"Okay, take it!" She said in her heart.

Speaking of tricking people, this fox fairy skill is still very helpful!
Fortunately, I was not abandoned by myself at that time.

Lulu marveled at Lin Yifan's instant change, but immediately put back the astonishment in her eyes.

She folded her arms around her chest, as if she had heard some big joke, and snorted coldly.

"Sounds good? You deserve to say it sounds good? Are you amnesia?" Lu Lu clenched her teeth, looking at Lin Yifan who was indeed prettier than herself, feeling extremely unhappy in her heart!

"You just say whether you dare to bet!" Lin Yifan had a faint smile on his lips, and looked directly at Lulu, which was full of provocation.

"Some people don't dare to gamble, it's really thunderous and rainy~" Ye Zi yelled from the side, and glanced at Lulu.

But Lulu sang really well, if Yifan showed all his strength, he should be able to defeat her. Thinking of this, Ye Zi felt relieved!
"Lulu, bet on her that a person with tone deafness is still so arrogant, he won't slap her when he goes on stage to see her!" The girl next to her encouraged her, looking at Lin Yifan with jealousy and disgust.

"Okay, I'll bet you!" While Lulu was speaking, she found that Ding Junren hadn't given her half a look the whole time, so she turned her head angrily, not wanting to see Ding Junren kneeling and licking again.

"Alright, next one, Lin Yifan!"


Thanks to Yu Mengyu@, the old cat loves to eat fish for a reward!

Thank you for the five consecutive rewards!
Thank you for your monthly pass!
The first day on the shelves, thank you for your support!
(End of this chapter)

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