Bring home the almighty goddess of the fast crossing system

Chapter 432 Fragrance infused with the soul [4 more]

Chapter 432 Fragrance Infused into the Soul (19) [Fourteen More]

But at this time, Lulu who was standing under the stage had an indescribable expression, it was shocked, unbelievable, absolutely impossible, and even a little terrified.

As soon as she thought that she had lost to Lin Yifan and had to fulfill the bet, Lulu felt ashamed and angry welling up in her heart.

She didn't want to be insulted, so before Lin Yifan stepped down, she wanted to sneak away.

"Where are you going?" Ye Zi quickly stopped Lulu, "Want to cheat?"

"Everyone, come and see, someone can't afford to lose and wants to run away!" Ye Zi suddenly raised her voice, and immediately gathered everyone's eyes.

At this time, Lin Yifan had already stepped off the stage.

"I'm willing to admit defeat!"

"That's right, don't gamble if you can't afford it, and want to play tricks if you gamble?"

Facing everyone's pointing and pointing, Lulu blushed, and she only felt her cheeks were hot.

At this moment, Lin Yifan walked up to her and stood still.

Lulu's fists were clenched tightly, and her gums were almost crushed by herself.

"Lulu, it's time for you to fulfill your bet!" Ye Zi reminded, feeling delighted!
"Why! Who said she can sing better than me!" Lulu said in a toneless manner, but she was still dying.

And this time, the person who predicted that Lin Yifan would win had already started collecting money happily, with a smile like Grandpa Mao on his face, "Haha, I'm going to get rich today!"

On the other hand, the person who was betting on Lulu's victory, actually willingly handed over the bet!
The silence speaks!
Everyone used practical actions to tell Lulu who sang well!

"Did you see it? Did you see it? The ears of the masses are discerning!" Ye Zi looked at Lulu who was pursing her lips, so happy!

"I'm sorry, I'm so ugly to you." Lulu gritted her teeth, her face flushed red, but her voice was like a mosquito.

"What did you say?" Lin Yifan looked down at the person who kept his head down and didn't dare to raise his eyes, his eyes were cold.

"Yeah, you should speak up!"

"Too insincere!"

"No, I have to bow at ninety degrees!"

The classmates who watched the excitement all around snickered.

That feeling of humiliation instantly turned into tears and filled Lulu's eyes. The hatred in her heart surged, but she was powerless!
"I'm sorry, I'm so ugly to you!" She quickly bent over, finished speaking, and ran away wiping her tears!
Looking at Lulu's leaving back and everyone's ridicule, Lin Yifan didn't have any sympathy in his eyes. Naturally, he had to pay for the evil he did. She was already very kind if she didn't double it!
"Hmph! Seeing her dare to be rampant in the future! I will bow my head when I see you in the future." Ye Zi felt very refreshed in her heart, and finally let go of her previous anger!
At this moment, the list of those who passed the audition came out.

The host came to the stage, holding the list in his hand, and said, "Okay, after the discussion of the judges, the list of candidates has been produced, and the selected students are invited to come to the stage."

The host began to read the names of the contestants.

"Yifan, you're sure to advance!" Ye Zi smiled, sure as hell!

As one player after another stepped onto the stage, the number of candidates reached the upper limit.

"It's okay, Yifan, there must be you!" While Ye Zi comforted Lin Yifan, his heart was also in suspense.

It doesn't make sense, with Lin Yifan's strength, he should be on stage first!
At this moment, Lin Yifan's cell phone vibrated.

"As long as you agree to be my girlfriend, I will let you advance!"


Thank you Mu Rujiu for your reward!
(End of this chapter)

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