Bring home the almighty goddess of the fast crossing system

Chapter 438 Injecting the aroma of the soul

Chapter 438 Injecting the aroma of the soul (25)

Gu Hao suddenly looked shy, pursed his lips, and secretly smiled.

Because he was relatively tall, looking at the petite figure standing beside him, Gu Hao's heart almost melted.

I really want to treat her like a doll and hold her in my arms~
He took Lin Fan's hand and walked all the way back to the villa!

Obviously, I walked the repeated path for several days, but today I walked out of the romantic taste~
Even the sea breeze that blows over smells like strawberries~
Gu Hao has never been this happy since they broke up!

"Are you really my girlfriend?" Gu Hao was still very uneasy, after all such a good thing as a beautiful woman from the sky hit him.

"To be exact, it's a temporary girlfriend, and the deadline is until your vacation is over!" Lin Fan glanced sideways at Gu Hao, and immediately saw him slamming like a deer.

"I should have written the deadline longer..." Gu Hao muttered softly, regretting for a while.

Suddenly there was a protesting sound from my stomach.

Gu Hao clutched his stomach, feeling a little embarrassed.

"Are you hungry?" Lin Fan looked at the big boy in front of him with a pure and harmless smile.

"Yeah!" Gu Hao nodded honestly, "The food in the resort area is a bit unpalatable, I'm afraid I will wrong you these few days."

"Did you forget the requirements for placing an order?" Lin Fan looked at Gu Hao mischievously with clear eyes.

" know how to cook?" Gu Hao couldn't believe it.

"Of course!" Lin Fan answered bluntly, immediately filling Gu Hao's heart with anticipation.

"Let's go, go back and make it for you~"

With that said, Lin Fan quickened his pace.

"But there are no ingredients in the villa, why don't you go to a nearby supermarket to buy some." Gu Hao suggested.

Throughout the whole process, Gu Hao was reluctant to let go of Lin Fan's hand, even though his palm was covered with sweat.

At this time, the supermarket is busy!

"The Fifth Cooking Competition!"

A striking banner stands in the middle!

"Welcome everyone to participate in the Fifth Cooking Competition!" The host's loud voice sounded.

"This year is different from the previous ones, we have more fun! This time the contestants are required to be couples or couples!"

As soon as this remark came out, everyone's interest was immediately aroused!

Even Gu Hao couldn't help but look around and forget the past.

The competition is actually not important, the important thing is that he heard the words couple files!

Now that he has just met the goddess, if he can participate in some interactive activities, it will greatly speed up the familiarity between the two.

"Our competition is mainly about tacit understanding and cooperation. Of course, taste is also very important. The audience is the judges!"

"Our first prize is set up for the hot-air balloon high-altitude sightseeing in the romantic sea~" The host's tone was full of imagination, "Imagine you and my dear, wandering wantonly in this blue sky~ The feeling is really infinite beautiful~"

Most of the people who come to travel and vacation are young people. The host's words immediately aroused everyone's enthusiasm for signing up!
Of course, it also aroused Gu Hao's interest!

"Fan..." Gu Hao paused as soon as he opened his mouth.

Hearing the sound, Lin Fan looked at him suspiciously, those beautiful eyes seemed to see through him.

"Although I am a temporary girlfriend, during this period, you and I are like a real couple, so you can say whatever you want!" Lin Fan's brisk tone gave Gu Hao a lot of courage and made him relax. Not a lot.

"Fan baby, let's go to the competition!"


Thank you for your sweetheart five consecutive rewards!
(End of this chapter)

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