Bring home the almighty goddess of the fast crossing system

Chapter 463 Fragrance infused with the soul [1 more]

Chapter 463 The Fragrance Infused into the Soul (50) [One More]

"You really want to see it that much?" Lin Fan looked at the coquettish boy in front of him with a gentle smile on his face.

"Look at that kid is crying." Gu Hao looked at the little boy standing not far away who was still crying in heartache, "I'm going to cry too~"

Immediately, Gu Hao opened his arms, with an aggrieved expression on his face, "Every baby, I want to hug~"

After finishing speaking, Gu Hao hugged Lin Fan, and immediately looked satisfied.

In fact, he just wanted to take this opportunity to get close to Lin Fan. As for whether he could see the mermaid, it didn't matter at all~
"Okay, Xiao Haohao, I'll ask the staff later, if it's okay, I'll try to let you see the mermaid." While comforting Gu Hao, Lin Fan already had an idea in his heart.

Looking at the surging pool water and all kinds of fish inside the huge glass window, Lin Fan really had the urge to go in and have a look!

"You wait here for me, I'll ask." Lin Fan pinched Gu Hao's cheek, "Kid Gu Hao, don't run around~"

After finishing speaking, Lin Fan was really going to leave to find the staff.

"Baby Fan, I'm kidding you!" Gu Hao grabbed Lin Fan, he didn't want to be separated from Lin Fan, not even for a minute!
"Don't worry, I won't get lost, you wait here obediently." Lin Fan blinked at Gu Hao.

Gu Hao looked at the slender figure and scratched his head, feeling a little confused.

He didn't expect Lin Fan to take his joke seriously!

The most important thing is that Fan Baobao not only tolerated his willfulness, but also tried to find a way to satisfy him!
Gu Hao felt that he was spoiled by Lin Fan these days as a little... prince? ?

Damn, is falling in love so happy?

Gu Hao fell in love with this feeling a little bit!
how broken!
Since meeting Lin Fan, Gu Hao has unlocked many skills, such as acting like a baby~
He and Shen Meng have never been coquettish!
There is no chance for him to act like a baby.

Shen Meng likes mature and steady boys, for this reason, Gu Hao has suffered a lot.

Obviously he is still a childish person, but he has to pretend to be another look on weekdays to please Shen Meng.

In front of Shen Meng, Gu Hao must always help Shen Meng do follow-up work, so that Shen Meng can feel at ease.

Now that I think about it, I really don't know what the picture is about.

But even if he pays like this, he can occasionally get a few good looks from Shen Meng.

Her smile is given to her in a fixed amount, even a gift.

In the end, a green hat was deducted...

But Lin Fan was different, he could be himself to his heart's content in front of Lin Fan, so these few days, Gu Hao was extraordinarily happy and relaxed.

Don't worry about this, don't worry about that.

Gu Hao suddenly felt that he had really misunderstood love before.

In addition to liking love, at least two people are happy and comfortable when they are together!

"Huh~" Gu Hao let out a deep breath. If he hadn't met Lin Fan, he might not be able to understand true love in his life.

He raised his wrist and looked at the time, feeling a little anxious in his heart.

The first minute when the baby leaves, I miss her!
The second minute after Fan Bao left, I miss her, miss her.

In the first 3 minutes after Fan Baobao left, he missed her, missed her, and still missed her.

3 minutes have passed!

The more Gu Hao waited, the more anxious he became!
At this moment, a happy child's voice came, "Mom, look, mermaid!"


Thanks to Blank, Future, Sichenmengyu, fu su for tipping.

Thank you Maomao for the seven consecutive rewards, Li Xia~ for the second consecutive rewards.

(End of this chapter)

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