Bring home the almighty goddess of the fast crossing system

Chapter 473 Fragrance infused with the soul [1 more]

Chapter 473 The Fragrance Infused into the Soul (60) [One More]

The sun slid across the sky quietly, hiding on the other side of the horizon.

The night that slowly draws the curtain covers the whole sky~
The colored lights of the carousel have been lit~
Accompanied by romantic and cheerful music, Gu Hao and Lin Fan came here~
"Let's find out about luminous card issuance~" A salesperson was yelling at passing tourists.

"Choose your own color, don't get lost at night, and make sure your boyfriend can see you at a glance~" After the salesperson finished speaking, she pressed the light on and put it on her head.

It instantly attracted the attention of many girls, and after a while, more than a dozen were sold~
Gu Hao pulled Lin Fan and walked over, "Baby Fan, you take one too!"

Speaking of which, Gu Hao chose a hairpin in the shape of rabbit ears, and helped Lin Fan wear it on his head, "Well~ Baby Fan is the most beautiful wearing it~"

"Handsome guy, your girlfriend is so beautiful!" The salesperson immediately turned on the sweet mode, "You can have one too, and the two of you can wear it together. Love and love~"

The salesperson was immediately enraptured by what Gu Hao said, and immediately bought two!
Seeing that Lin Fan was wearing the same hairpin, Gu Hao felt sweet~
All the sissy and not sissy things are left behind.

The carousel can hold a lot of people at a time, so Gu Hao and Lin Fan didn't wait too long before getting on it.

"Baby Fan, I want to sit with you~" Gu Hao pulled Lin Fan to sit on a small car shaped like a rocking chair.

After everyone is in place, the carousel slowly turns~
Gu Hao put his arms around Lin Fan and let her lean on his shoulders. At this time, the romantic music began to flow slowly, and Gu Hao hummed unconsciously.

"I want to say that I will love you a little more~"

"Always in your ear~"

"I believe you love me a little too~"

"It's just that you haven't noticed~"

After Gu Hao finished humming, he found that the lyrics were so similar to his and Lin Fan's situation!
As a result, my mood got better and better, and I kept singing these few lines~
He wished Lin Fan could be brainwashed by him and fall in love with him, hehe~
At this time, Lin Fan was also in a very good mood, because there was only one day left before the mission, she looked up at the stars emerging from the night sky, and smiled~
"Believe that I will love you forever~"

"I know you will find out~"

After Gu Hao sang, he couldn't help but kissed Lin Fan's forehead lightly.

"Right, baby Fan~" Gu Hao said without thinking, in fact, he wanted to say that if he gets along with her for a long time, Lin Fan will find his love for her~
Lin Fan was distracted at the moment, and nodded to Gu Hao in a trance, "Yes, yes~"

Surprised, Gu Hao lowered his head to meet Lin Fan's bright smile, thinking that she understood the meaning of his words.

His heart beat suddenly fast~
There was a sudden emotion in those eyes, and when the four eyes met, Gu Hao couldn't help but bowed his head and leaned over.

After receiving it, Lin Fan raised his hand and pushed his face aside.

The kiss to the mouth is flying again~
Gu Hao's heart suddenly turned cold.

At this moment, the carousel stopped, and everyone walked down one after another.

Gu Hao looked aggrieved and didn't want to move.

"Let's go~" Lin Fan chirped lightly on Gu Hao's forehead with a brisk tone~
Someone immediately sees the sun through the clouds~
He stood up with a whoosh, let Lin Fan lead him obediently, and walked off the carousel.

"Fan baby~" Gu Hao called coquettishly, "Actually, you like me a little bit, don't you?"


Thanks to Blank, Future, Queen of Lanyin for the reward, and Le Yili for the second consecutive reward!
(End of this chapter)

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