Bring home the almighty goddess of the fast crossing system

Chapter 483 Fragrance infused with the soul [2 more]

Chapter 483 Fragrance Infused with the Soul (72) [Second More]

"What to do?" Lin Fan asked curiously, "Open another resort? Compete with the other side?"

"No, no, no!" Gu Hao suddenly lowered his body and approached Lin Fan's ear, "Buy it, build a palace, and you go to be the queen in it, how about it?"

"Pfft!" Lin Fan burst out laughing, "Xiao Haohao, have you read too many fairy tales?"

"I'm serious!" Gu Hao looked at Lin Fan's reaction, and was a little angry, but he was discussing this issue very seriously.

"If your relatives want to come, I can build a village outside the palace~" Gu Hao started his imagination again.

"At that time, under your wise leadership, the entire kingdom will prosper!" Gu Hao said more and more vigorously, as if he was already in it!
"Okay, I don't want to be a queen!" Lin Fan interrupted Gu Hao's fantasy.

"Then you can be a princess, and you can do whatever you want!" Gu Hao continued to persuade, thinking that Lin Fan would immediately buy the island as long as he let go of his promise.

"If you don't like living here all the time, then you can come here occasionally, anyway, this is your place, you can do whatever you want!" Gu Hao kept his eyes on the small island.

If eyes can build a house, it is estimated that the palace has already been built!
"Hey, Xiao Haohao, why do you have to buy it!" Lin Fan could see that Gu Hao had already fallen into this problem.

"I don't want to spend more time with you..." Gu Hao muttered in a low voice, and then said loudly, "I want to hide in a golden house!"

"Beautiful thinking!" Lin Fan directly gave Gu Hao a basin of cold water~
"I knew it!" The corners of Gu Hao's lips dropped immediately, "You can just lie to me!"

"The nose will grow longer if you lie, Xiao Haohao~" Lin Fan started chatting with Gu Hao with his innocent thinking.

"When baby's nose becomes longer, I'll call you baby with long nose, it's the same!" After Gu Hao finished speaking, the corners of his mouth curled up unconsciously.

Seeing that Gu Hao's mood improved, Lin Fan smiled and continued to look at the scenery.

Time flies so fast!

It's dusk!
The sky is orange!

at this time,

Bathed in the lazy sunset~
Watching the waves rolling in the romantic sea~
It seems to be drifting to the end of romance~
"I want to remember this moment with my heart!" Gu Hao hugged Lin Fan tightly.

"From now on, I'll have to rely on my memories to live." Gu Hao's words were inevitably mixed with some sadness, "Baby Fan, will you forget me?"

"Whether you forget me or not, I will always remember you!" Gu Hao's nose sore.

"Where do you live? The trip ends tomorrow, let me take you back!" Gu Hao really tried his best to spend more time with Lin Fan.

"You forgot, I live in the sea!"

"Tomorrow, I will follow the current and swim back to where I belong!" Lin Fan's tone was serious, and Gu Hao didn't know how to refute.

But how can anyone live in the sea!

This is clearly Fan Baobao rejecting him!
"Fan Baobao, do you really want to leave me so quickly? Don't give me a chance!" Gu Hao's tone was sad.

"Send you a thousand miles away, and you will have to say goodbye!"

"Xiao Haohao, no matter where you send me, you will leave in the end!" Lin Fan comforted Gu Hao.

"But I just want to see you for a while, even a minute longer!" Gu Hao sniffed while talking.

(End of this chapter)

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