Bring home the almighty goddess of the fast crossing system

Chapter 505 Personal care is online [6 more]

Chapter 505 Personal care is online (21) [six more]

"Lu Mingcheng, I'm here!"

The corners of Lin Yifan's mouth were trembling with excitement!

She pretended to pass by the box and peeped through the small glass on the door!
Although just a glance!
But Lin Yifan didn't see Lu Mingcheng's figure!

how come?
She went in reverse again!
sure no!

Is it an entertainment news report error? ?

Lin Yifan immediately took out his phone and checked it again.

"At [-]:[-] tonight, at the XX Hotel, the figure of the CEO of DS Film and Television Company appeared unexpectedly!"

"Suspicious?" Lin Yifan continued to look carefully. Although the picture below was blurry, he was sure that it was Lu Mingcheng's profile and back!
Since there is a picture, it proves that he must have appeared near here!

But right now, she can't rush in and ask!
Lin Yifan was very anxious!
At this moment, Liu Ping came out of the box. When he saw Lin Yifan, he just glanced at her lightly, and then left without squinting!
It seems that he really doesn't remember her at all!
Lin Yifan could only follow Liu Ping closely.

Underground Parking Lot!
Dimly lit!

Lin Yifan felt like a secret agent, following Liu Ping all the way!
She deliberately opened a small distance so that Liu Ping would not notice.

At this moment, a few people with sticks rushed out from a distance, and they quickly surrounded Liu Ping!

Liu Ping tremblingly took out a document from his briefcase and handed it over!

Seeing this, Lin Yifan rushed over with a few brisk steps.

Lifting his leg was just a kick, and he kicked the man who had taken the document to the ground!

The rest of them looked at each other, and immediately swung their sticks and beat them.

I saw Lin Yifan's hands and feet were sharp, his fists and legs were so fast that the opponent couldn't see clearly, five seconds!

They all fell to the ground and grinned!

Lin Yifan walked up to the leading man, stepped on his back, and stretched out his hand!

The man looked at Liu Ping suspiciously, but he had no choice but to hand over the document to Lin Yifan due to the pain in his back!
"Here you are!" Lin Yifan returned the document to Liu Ping with a smile, "You're welcome, the road is rough, it's a trivial matter!"

However, Liu Ping didn't intend to reach out for a long time. After hesitating for a long time, he glanced into the car window before taking the document!

"Thank you!" There was no tone of gratitude.

"Call the police." Lin Yifan looked at those hideous-looking people, and immediately fumbled for his pocket, only to realize that he forgot to bring out his mobile phone.

"No need, today's matter, thank you for your help." Liu Ping's tone was unusually formulaic.

Several big men ran away in a hurry.

Seeing Lin Yifan who was standing still, Liu Ping frowned slightly, then took out an envelope from his briefcase, which looked heavy, and said, "This is the remuneration. It's about today, I hope you forget it."

"I don't want this!" Lin Yifan pushed back the envelope that Liu Ping handed over.

This move instantly cools the air!

"I don't mean anything else. I don't help out for money." Lin Yifan quickly explained.

But the way she stood there hesitated, aroused Liu Ping's vigilance!

"Who sent you here!" Liu Ping's face was gloomy, he already regarded Lin Yifan as someone sent by his opponent!

"No, no, no!" Lin Yifan felt that everything he said now was a little pale!

"I'm not a bad person, I'm just passing by!" How come Liu Ping has never seen such a vicious person before!

At this moment, the closed car window suddenly came down!

Thank you Dream Girl for the reward!
(End of this chapter)

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