Bring home the almighty goddess of the fast crossing system

Chapter 517 Personal care is online [3 more]

Chapter 517 Personal care is online (33)

"Father, I miss you too~" Mengmeng whispered in Leng Ran's ear, "But with Sister Fan accompanying me, I only miss you a little~"

She gestured with her little hands and smiled happily.

Only then did Leng Ran boldly cast his gaze on Lin Fan!

The beauty is gentle, the beauty is refreshing, and the beauty is refreshing!
"Father, do you want to try the porridge made by Sister Fan?" Meng Meng tilted her head and looked at Leng Ran.

"Okay~" He agreed coldly, and walked towards the dining table with Mengmeng in his arms.

"You made it all?" Looking at the delicious porridge and side dishes coldly, surprise flashed in his eyes.

Lin Fan just smiled and didn't talk to him, but even so, Leng Ran was still in a great mood!

The moment he put the porridge in his mouth, his taste buds were awakened!

The fragrance instantly poured into all the limbs and bones of his body, nourishing his body after a day and night of exhaustion!
And the delicate-looking side dishes tasted beyond Leng Ran's imagination!
The chefs he hired were all well-known chefs in the industry, but compared to Lin Fan's skills, they were simply children's cooking skills!
"Father, do you also like the meals made by Sister Fan?" Mengmeng sat on the dining chair, her little feet dangling, looking very happy.

Only then did Leng Ran realize that Mengmeng's complexion looked much better than before, and she felt a lot heavier when holding her just now.

"I want more!" Mengmeng quickly finished a bowl!
Leng Ran looked at Mengmeng in surprise, her appetite had never been so good!

This made Leng Ran's impression of Lin Fan rise steadily!

He must keep Lin Fan, no matter what price he pays!
It's just that she changed Mengmeng so much in less than two days!
"Mengmeng has a good appetite recently, and her energy is much better." These were the first words Lin Fan said after Leng Ran entered the room!

I was intoxicated listening to it coldly!

Even if it's not about me!

"She's still young, she needs to run and dance a lot to keep her healthy. She's fine, so let's play with her more." Lin Fan gave his own suggestion.

"Mengmeng, do you want to go to the playground?" As a father, Leng Ran had never taken Mengmeng out to play.

In the past, because of Mengmeng's poor health, he didn't dare to take her out easily, and because he was too busy, he didn't have time to take her out.

But now it's different, Mengmeng's state is no different from that of a normal child!

Moreover, Leng Ran wanted to get along with Lin Fan more, even if she didn't speak, and looked at her more, Leng Ran would feel very satisfied!
"Really?" Mengmeng's eyes suddenly burst into excitement.

She was overwhelmed with joy, and looked back at Lin Fan.

When she got Lin Fan's affirmation, Mengmeng danced happily, "Long live Dad!"

"I'm going to change clothes, you also prepare, let's take Mengmeng out!" When Leng Ran spoke to Lin Fan, his tone was always much softer inadvertently.

Maybe he didn't realize it himself.

Lin Fan nodded slightly, "Mengmeng, let's change into a beautiful dress, shall we?"

Mengmengchao happily followed Lin Fan back to the room to change clothes~
"Sister Fan, you wear this!" Mengmeng dug out an adult dress from her closet, and handed it to Lin Fan.

Lin Fan looked at that style, it was very retro and tasteful, and the size was similar to his own.

"You want your sister to wear this?"


Thanks Shi Tianfeng for the reward!
(End of this chapter)

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