Bring home the almighty goddess of the fast crossing system

Chapter 529 Personal care is online [4 more]

Chapter 529 Personal care is online (45) [four more]

"Of course together!" Leng Ran gave Mengmeng a definite answer, and Mengmeng was overjoyed!
During the entire breakfast period, Mengmeng was discussing what to bring and what to play. She was full of expectations and visions for this trip!

Looking at her baby so happy, Leng Ran admired Lin Fan more and more in her heart!
The liking for her is also increasing irresistibly!

He looked at the girl who was as gentle as the wind and as sweet as a dream in front of him, the love in his eyes kept rolling!
He thought, if there is a chance, he must meet the person who stole her heart!
Let's see how I am not as good as him!

Or, it is not too much to have a fair competition!

In shopping malls, Leng Ran has always been steadfast!

Well, love!
How could he easily admit defeat!
"Sister Fan, I'm full~" Mengmeng jumped off the dining chair.

At this moment, a person came in the door, holding a beautiful photo frame in his hand!

"Mr. Leng, it's finished!" He respectfully handed over the things to Leng Ran, and left without staying for a moment.

"What is it?" Mengmeng walked over curiously, "Wow!"

"It's so beautiful!" Mengmeng exclaimed as she looked at the delicately framed picture frame!

"Dad, hang it up for me quickly~" After finishing speaking, Meng Meng dragged Leng Ran to her bedroom.

Lin Fan took the picture frame from Leng Ran's hand, and only now did he see clearly that it was the handprint gift that won the prize that day.

I didn't expect Leng Ran to make it so beautiful!
"The things hanging in Mengmeng's room must be delicate!" Leng Ran pinched Mengmeng's little nose, "Dad will hang it up for you!"

Leng Ran found the tools and did it herself!
Lin Fan watched the command with Mengmeng in his arms.

"Father, move a little to the right!" Mengmeng's little milk voice was very serious.

"A little bit further to the left!" She carefully looked at the position of the picture frame.

"Is that so?" Leng Ran patiently adjusted according to Mengmeng's command.

"En!" Mengmeng nodded vigorously after feeling satisfied.

Looking at the hung photo frame, Leng Ran and Mengmeng's eyes were very satisfied!
"Dad, I can see it every day from now on, it's great!" Mengmeng said happily.

"Thank you dad!" Mengmengjiumi kissed Leng Ran's cheek, and then she turned around and kissed Lin Fan's cheek too, "Hee hee~"

"Mengmeng, you go to play first, Dad has something to tell your sister Fan." Li Ma came over and took Mengmeng to the hall to play.

"Lin Fan, come with me!" He brought Lin Fan to the study.

"This is the contract, take a look!" Leng Ran handed a document to Lin Fan, "You have passed the probation, now this is the official contract!"

With a soft smile on Leng Ran's face, "Congratulations!"

Lin Fan looked at the contract thoughtfully, so she took it and glanced at it.

"50 per month!" Lin Fan was obviously startled when he saw this!
"This..." She pointed to the blank space below.

"As for the deadline, I think it's better for you to fill it out yourself!"

"I hope you can spend more time with Mengmeng!" Leng Ran expressed his thoughts!
"Look where you are not satisfied, you can adjust everything, including salary!"

"No!" Lin Fan shook his head, every item of this contract can be called a benefit!


Thank you cat for your reward!
 Will update later~
(End of this chapter)

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