Bring home the almighty goddess of the fast crossing system

Chapter 532 A Destined Encounter [2 More]

Chapter 532 A Destined Encounter (2) [Second More]

Looking at that cheerful back, Lu Mingcheng narrowed his eyes slightly, and picked up the phone on the bedside table!

The white medical tape on the back of his hand dimmed his eyes, and then his eyes fell on the clothes hanger beside the bed.

An empty medicine bottle is still hanging on it!
He looked at the back of his hand, raised his eyebrows slightly, and a soft touch flashed in his brain!

And there were traces of Lin Yifan lying beside the bed. For this strange girl, it was obvious that a certain boss had deep doubts.

"Drips, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da~" Lin Yifan was in a pretty good mood, humming a ditty of her own creation, and took out milk from the refrigerator to boil~
The toes lightly touch the floor, and the body turns lightly like a butterfly.

"Look at what else is in the refrigerator~" Lin Yifan thought about the habit of a certain boss who must drink porridge, and planned to cook a bowl of love porridge for him by himself~
Familiar with the road, as if wandering in his own kitchen, Lin Yifan put the ingredients into the casserole, took the boiled milk, and walked to the bedroom of a certain boss~
"Lu Mingcheng~" As sweet as a spring in the mountains, as refreshing as a breeze, a beautiful and agile voice came out~
Just in the next second, the smile converges!

Because, there is another person in the room.

"When did you come?" Lin Yifan asked familiarly!

Immediately, he walked to Lu Mingcheng's side, and said in a very gentle tone, "It's just cooked~"

A certain person's face was cold, without raising his eyelids, he continued to look at the document in his hand.

"Okay, don't look at it yet!" With a coquettish tone, Lin Yifan naturally took the document in Lu Mingcheng's hand, closed it, put it aside, and then passed the milk over again, "Good boy, first Drink the milk~"

And Liu Ping who was standing aside...

Looking at this unbelievable scene, the expression is indescribable...

The air pressure around a certain person plummeted, and when he looked up, he could only see a pair of pink lips gently blowing into the cup, "Okay, it's not hot now, let's drink~"

She smiled like a flower, her face was innocent, her eyes were clear and pure, even though she met her eyes, she was not afraid at all.

Liu Ping felt the anger surging in Lu Mingcheng's heart, and quickly said, "Why are you still here? Hurry up!"

His tone was very serious and a little harsh!
But seeing Lin Yifan's harmless appearance, Liu Ping didn't just throw her out after all!
"How dare you talk about me!" Lin Yifan put the milk cup on the desk with a bang, and put his hands on his hips!

"Liu Ping, do you know that Lu Mingcheng's life was almost in danger last night!"

As soon as her words came out, Liu Ping was startled!
"As a secretary, you can't even guarantee that the boss eats on time, you are dereliction of duty!"

Lin Yifan was arrogant, the more he talked, the more excited he became!
"Also, Lu Mingcheng is not a machine, he needs to rest! Rest, do you know that!"

"His body was exhausted so badly that he fell into a coma!"

Lin Yifan approached Liu Ping while talking, and Liu Ping, who was so oppressive, backed away again and again!

"Coma?" Hearing this, Liu Ping looked at Lu Mingcheng worriedly!
"Look at me!" Lin Yifan straightened Liu Ping's face, "I haven't finished yet!"

"If it wasn't for me, I would have rescued you in time, you... you!" Lin Yifan held his forehead, with a sullen expression on his face, "You would have become an unemployed, an unemployed old man, you know!"


Thank you Dream Girl for the reward!
(End of this chapter)

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