Bring home the almighty goddess of the fast crossing system

Chapter 542 A Destined Encounter [3 More]

Chapter 542 A Destined Encounter (13) [Third Watch]

Reiko was tossed by the director for two days and couldn't get out of that guest room!
At this time, she was lying on the bed empty body, "Chang Dao, are you satisfied?"

Reiko's voice was obviously weak, and her whole body was aching.

Director Chang was sitting by the bed smoking a cigarette with a face full of enjoyment, completely ignoring the voice behind him!

"Chang Dao?" Reiko called softly again, she sat up from the bed with great effort and moved over, "Chang Dao~"

Reiko took the initiative to climb onto Director Chang's shoulders, even though she already hated this stinky fat pig in her heart!
However, she has been tortured into this state, and she must not breathe one last breath of relief. She must get this contract!
When she becomes famous, she must make Lin Yifan look good. When the time comes, she will trample Lin Yifan under her feet!
Thinking of this, Reiko's eyes were filled with fierceness!
"Director Chang~Why are you ignoring him~" Lingzi's coquettish panting lingered in Director Chang's ears, and after speaking, she put a sticker on Director Chang's body.

Chang Daoen put out the cigarette butt and blew out the last puff of smoke before squinting.

He got up and walked towards the sofa!

On the sofa, there was his briefcase.

Reiko saw that there was something going on, and she was full of joy looking forward to the fact that Director Chang could take out the contract from the briefcase!
She watched Chang Dao approaching step by step with longing eyes, and her heart went up!

"Want?" Chang Dao walked to the sofa and stopped suddenly. He looked at Reiko with a smirk on his face, the meaning couldn't be more obvious!

Obviously he wasn't having fun yet!
Although Reiko was still smiling on the face, but secretly, her gums were almost crushed by herself!

How long will this smelly fat pig play with her!

Reiko had no choice but to voluntarily get out of bed and walk over, at the mercy of Director Chang!

After a long time, Reiko couldn't hold on any longer, Director Chang was finally satisfied, "The technique is not bad, but the physical strength is not enough, you have to practice hard later!"

Reiko didn't quite understand Director Chang's words, but she immediately nodded in obedience.

At this moment, the long-awaited contract was finally taken out of the briefcase by Director Chang.

Reiko jumped with joy!I can't stand it anymore!

Director Chang took the contract and handed it to Reiko, and just as she was about to take it, he suddenly took it back, "If you want to be a star, you have to be obedient, you know?"

"Got it, got it!" Reiko nodded quickly, with an eager expression on her face!
Seeing her obedient appearance, Director Chang was very satisfied, so he handed over the contract again.

Reiko quickly picked it up, her hands were shaking with excitement, she quickly opened it and looked carefully.

"What are you looking at!" Chang Dao directly covered the content of the contract with his hands, and at the same time said in a tone of oppression, "Afraid I can't lie to you?"

"No!" Reiko quickly waved her hands, making an extremely flattering expression, fearing that Director Chang would be unhappy, so she took back the contract.

Director Chang took out a signature pen from his briefcase, stuffed it into Reiko's hand, and ordered, "Sign it!"

Holding the pen, Reiko obviously hesitated, because she hadn't even read the content of the contract yet!

"What? You don't want to sign anymore?" Director Chang immediately moved, as if to take back the contract.

"I sign, I sign!" Reiko was impatient, afraid of losing this opportunity, she hurriedly wrote her name on the contract!


Thanks Shi Tianfeng for the reward!
(End of this chapter)

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