Bring home the almighty goddess of the fast crossing system

Chapter 545 A Destined Encounter [2 More]

Chapter 545 A Destined Encounter (16) [Second More]

"This is the latest Tiffany model. It looks good." Before Lin Yifan and Ye Zi entered the door, they heard Reiko's voice showing off.

"Wow, it's so pretty!"

"It costs a lot of money!"

"Reiko, you are really getting more and more beautiful!"

"Yeah, and she's good at dressing up~"

"Reiko, are you really going to make a movie?"

"Of course, the contract has been signed!" Reiko admired her freshly finished nails with an air of arrogance!

As soon as Lin Yifan came in, he saw such a picture!
At this time, the dormitory was already full of people, they surrounded Reiko with envy in their hearts and eyes!
"Hey, isn't this the suddenly beautiful Lin Yifan~" Reiko twisted her waist when she saw Lin Yifan coming in, and got up from the chair in a pretentious manner.

She was wearing a V-neck low-cut dress, with two pieces of tender white looming, and the diamond necklace on her neck was just in the gully, which was eye-catching.

The wrap-around skirt is very short, so short that it will disappear if you don't pay attention, and the eye makeup is very colorful, as if you just walked out of a nightclub!
The high-heeled shoes under her feet were thin and high, and her buttocks twisted alluringly, and she walked in front of Lin Yifan.

In an instant, a pungent smell of perfume rushed over. Seeing Reiko whose demeanor was becoming more and more flattering, Lin Yifan frowned unconsciously!

Is this still the Reiko who stood up to fight the injustice because Ding Junren satirized her?
Is this still the Reiko who always asks herself if she wants to bring a meal after class?
Could it be that those friendships in the past were all fake?
Lin Yifan no longer recognized the person in front of him!
Ye Zi went straight to the window, opened the window forcefully, and exhaled a few times, "I'm choking to death!"

Momo listened to Ye Zi's words, and hurriedly looked at Reiko's face, for fear that she would be angry!
"Yifan, you don't know yet, Reiko has signed a contract!" Momo looked at the awkward atmosphere and opened her mouth to relieve it.

"Oh." Lin Yifan's reaction was neither cold nor cold, with no emotion on his expression.

"Yeah, Reiko is going to be a star, I'm so envious!" A girl next to her agreed, and she looked at Reiko with envy.

Reiko listened with a bright smile on her face.

"Of course, I was born to be a star, I just kept a low profile before!" After finishing speaking, Reiko glanced at Lin Yifan with disdain, "It doesn't mean that you can daydream just by being beautiful!"

Lin Yifan walked to his seat and sat down as if he didn't hear it.

Reiko's flaunting and sarcasm were like hitting cotton, she frowned, "Lin Yifan, don't you want to be a star too?"

"Why don't I talk to the director for you?" Reiko looked down at her with a gesture of charity.

"Yifan is not rare!" Ye Zi finally couldn't help it!
"The boss of the record company personally invited Yifan to become a singer, but Yifan didn't agree!" Ye Zi looked arrogant.

"Let's keep those third-rate movies of yours for yourself!" Ye Zi's face was puffed up with anger.

"Come on, who doesn't know that Lin Yifan has a tone deafness and is the boss of the record company, and he can't brag!" Lingzi snorted coldly, "Yezi, the person who knows current affairs is Junjie, you chose the wrong friend, no wonder your IQ has dropped Already!"

"A lot of people have seen it, if you don't believe me, ask someone else!" Ye Zi retorted confidently.

"That's right, that's right, I saw it the other day, he is indeed a big boss!" At this moment, a girl suddenly said!
(End of this chapter)

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