Bring home the almighty goddess of the fast crossing system

Chapter 552 A Destined Encounter [1 More]

Chapter 552 A Destined Encounter (23) [One More]

It was originally just a small-scale competition for the top ten singers in our school. Since the day of the promotion competition, when the boss of a major record company came to the scene and invited him, the news spread to all the nearby schools in an instant!
As a chat after dinner, everyone had a great time discussing it!
Lin Yifan's name no longer only belonged to Huanan University, but swept all the corners of the university city!
In an instant, he became a mysterious figure!

Her story is even more vivid, with various versions!
Today, the auditorium is packed full of people who come to watch the game especially!

There were still two hours before the start of the game, and the seats were already full!

Even the aisles are full of people!
"I'll go, what's the situation..."

"This is too exaggerated!"

"I should have brought the telescope if I knew it earlier!"

The latecomers looked at each other, trying to find a shelter, while the earlycomers had already started chatting with each other!
At this time, a red banner was particularly conspicuous on the seats in the front row of the auditorium!
There are a few big characters on it: Yifan, Yifan, the gods descend to the world!

When Lin Yifan and Ye Zi entered the auditorium, they saw the banner at a glance!
Lin Yifan only felt that his celestial spirit cap had been lifted, and his head was dizzy!She hurried over quickly.

He found a familiar face under the banner, grinning silly at himself.

"Ding Junren, what are you doing!" Lin Yifan quickly tore down the flaming banner while speaking.

"Yifan, I'm here to cheer you on!" Ding Junren had a flattering face, a cheering stick in each hand, and a colorful hat on his head, making him look like a cheerleader!
After finishing speaking, he even blew the whistle hanging around his neck!
The sharp whistle immediately attracted many curious eyes!
Lin Yifan's face was instantly blackened!
"Ding Junren, can you be more honest!" Lin Yifan snatched his whistle, shook his hand, and threw it into the trash can three meters away with great precision!

"Wow! Yifan, it's so accurate!" Ding Junren made a gesture of surprise and applauded.

Lin Yifan, who was watching, couldn't hold back, and directly slapped his head with a big ear.

"Hahahaha!" At this moment, Ye Zi shrank into a ball while laughing, she covered her stomach with one hand, and wiped away her tears with the other hand, "Emma, ​​it's too bad, I'm going to die of laughing! "

"Ding Junren, don't make trouble, you know!" Lin Yifan looked at him warningly.

Ding Junren, on the other hand, nodded in the posture of a pug, extremely obedient!
"Ding Goupi, you can do it!" After Ye Zi finished speaking, she followed Lin Yifan to the contestant seating area!
"Yifan, come on!" Seeing Lin Yifan's leaving back, Ding Jun jumped up from his chair and shouted loudly!

Lin Yifan who heard the sound immediately turned around and gave Ding Junren a murderous look, and raised his hand to gesture!
Even though they were far away, Ding Junren was so scared that he covered his head. He still hadn't recovered from the moment just now, but the smirk on his face didn't stop!
This scene happened to fall into the eyes of Li Mingyuan and Zheng Chao who were sitting in the back row.

"Ming Yuan, this kid has something!" Zheng Chao looked at Ding Junren with great interest, and now he pulled the banner up again.

"Rogue and rascal!" Li Mingyuan glanced coldly.

Zheng Chao patted Li Mingyuan on the shoulder, with a smirk on his face, "Master, I specialize in dealing with big hooligans!"

(End of this chapter)

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